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Maudlin of the Well.

why didn't i check this band out before? shite

A friend of mine actually linked me to their stuff on progarchives a few days ago, it's a little too trippy for my taste. I have yet to check out Kayo Dot though.

NP: JS Bach - Badinerie... I read a few posts about it in the 'what are you learning' thread and WOW it fucking rules... I must learn it!
one of the best tracks in the album, i still wish they haden't gone to the softer side on this album...

now playing - dream theater panic attack

Yeah sorry, I just named the whole album... I actually really like their softer side, cos it creates a greater contrast and gives the heavier stuff greater impact. Mikael's clean vocals are amazing and their acoustic melodies and the uruguayan rhythm section are just beautiful. It really makes the brutal riffs stand out more...

Now I'm listening to Spiral Architect- A Sceptic's Universe :worship: :headbang:
^ Umm... Ghost Reveries isn't an actual track... :erk:

I don't see a problem with the softer sides either...


Coil - Red Birds Will Fly Out Of The East And Destroy Paris In A Night

EDIT: You probably meant Ghost Of Perdition, right?

Yeah, and i did'nt mean thre is a specific problem with the spfter side, i just meant that their earlier works are more focused...
but they still rule.
it's actually a sad fact i started liking them 2 months AFTER they came to Israel, which is double bummer, cause we never get any good performances here.:erk: