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Seventh wonder - taint the sky
" " - The edge of my blade
" " - Like him
I heard this band on beyond ear I think quit a few of you would like them
Dream Theater - Scene Nine: Finally Free

ah, such a grand finale

edit: I just noticed how Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence kind of picks up where Scenes from a memory ends with that broken vinyl sound. but I guess I'm late with that discovery.
Yep, and Six Degrees ends with that synth sound and Train Of Thought begins with that, and Train Of Thought ends with that single piano note really low, and... Octavarium starts with that same single piano note... I wonder if the next one will connect to the end of Octavarium in the same way... :D

NP: Dream Theater- Score: Metropolis pt 1 live dvd...
^ It will if they are smart and want to please the fanbois.

Bal-Sagoth - The Scourge of the Fourth Celestial Host
Yep, and Six Degrees ends with that synth sound and Train Of Thought begins with that, and Train Of Thought ends with that single piano note really low, and... Octavarium starts with that same single piano note... I wonder if the next one will connect to the end of Octavarium in the same way... :D

NP: Dream Theater- Score: Metropolis pt 1 live dvd...
And the song Octavarium ends with the same piano note to make the album come full circle.