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I just realised I'm listening to SX - DWOT and the songs almost over :|

Oh man I know that feeling, when you're listening to music and suddenly realize it's a great song playing but it's almost the end and you kinda feel like there's a hole in yuor soul... =//

Anyway, I went to bed listening to music the other night. Listening to some niice Dream Theater, dozed off... Woke up about 2 hours later and had Meshuggah playing. It was very perturbing having Corridor of Chameleons blasting in your ears while you slumber, such a confused girl was I.
Oh man I know that feeling, when you're listening to music and suddenly realize it's a great song playing but it's almost the end and you kinda feel like there's a hole in yuor soul... =//

Anyway, I went to bed listening to music the other night. Listening to some niice Dream Theater, dozed off... Woke up about 2 hours later and had Meshuggah playing. It was very perturbing having Corridor of Chameleons blasting in your ears while you slumber, such a confused girl was I.

haha, that happens all the time to me, I'll go to sleep to some nice prog rock or something, and I wake up to Spastic Ink or something, it just messes with your brain while subconscious... :zombie: