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How do you like Adam and Eve now? Most fans consider it their worst album but, it's one of my favorites.

yeah man, its really, really growing on me, Love Supreme and Driver's Seat are just huge, and so many brilliant bits! The main thing that annoys me is when they separate songs like 'Cosmic Circus' and 'Babylon' when clearly they share the same theme and are pretty much connected, but they make a 3 minute song and a 2 minute song, surely they should just make one 5 minute song... :rolleyes:

But yeah I love that album, all their albums that i've got, I really love, except perhaps the 2nd disc of Flower Power, with the exception of 'Deaf, Numb and Blind' its pretty average... Luckily 'The Garden Of Dreams' on disc 1 more than makes up for it... :cool:
oh well, you're not a big fan of The Flower Kings, Spock's Beard, Neal Morse, Marillion, or Dream Theater, so that probably explains that... :lol:

NP: Ayreon- Newborn Race excerpt from Arjen's myspace, looking forward to this one... :D