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Uriah Heep, I still have to listen to that band

I think for the most part you had to be around at that time to appreaciate quite a few of the older bands, most of its just too primitive for ears that heard the more recent stuff first. But if you must try give Look at Yourself or Salisbury a shot. Some interesting pre-metal grooves and ideas here and there. The title tracks from both are examples of their prime material, Look at Yourself very much like the drivin Maiden gallop riffage and Salisbury quite a interesting progressive rock piece that I still swear the label must have brought outside arrangers in for, I love Mic Box's early shred goes toward the end and the fact that you can hear him click the old fuzz box switch each time... now thats nostalgia... LOL

edit: that might actually be the wah pedal switch you can hear
Now playing: Gamma Ray - Heavy Metal Mania (Bonus Track)
via FoxyTunes

I think for the most part you had to be around at that time to appreaciate quite a few of the older bands

I`m 18, but I have 2 older brothers so I`m no stranger to older bands, I too like bands like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, 70-80 hard rock, etc...
Tough I`m far from having listening to all their albums

I also would like to hear Rush, never heard them.
My WD&DU and I&W are on cassette... yeah Im that old and older, I have yet to buy A Change and Pt.2 which from my understanding deserves me two Momma slaps, also Falling into Infinity is a empty case I have no idea where the disc went but my recolection was it was too mellow for me, does that sound right ?

Eh, there are a couple straight up pop songs on it, which DT can't do well. And yeah, pretty soft, kind of groovy sometimes though. Overall not a good album IMO
I gotta say so far of this massive bombardment of DT I have subjected myself too Six Degrees stands out most as a whole. Awake is good but has quite abit of those screachy vocals LaBrie never should have done, I noticed them way back on I&W. Its too early to tell it plays so long I have missed and slept though alot of it... LOL

My Falling into Infinity has been missing for years.
Kansas - Miracles out of Nowhere

Oh, and the invention of prog metal, Dream Theater's wet dream...

am I the only who feels that I&W is a really poorly sequenced album?

I couldnt give a non bias eval of that, it sounded completely right at the time and I havent played it much in years, at least one year since I pulled the cassette out. In 92-93-94 I played it to death. I dont think it was meant to be conceptual just images and words. I'll give the old cassette a try and see how it plays... lol
I couldnt give a non bias eval of that, it sounded completely right at the time and I havent played it much in years, at least one year since I pulled the cassette out. In 92-93-94 I played it to death. I dont think it was meant to be conceptual just images and words. I'll give the old cassette a try and see how it plays... lol

Nah, I know it's not supposed be a concept album, I just feel like the songs could have been ordered more cohesively. It plays like one random style jump after the next, which for Dream Theater, I guess makes perfect sense.
<--- Rage - The Edge Of Darkness [Rage - Strings to A Web-2010-FKK] 04:32 [Metal]

The new Rage album is pretty good...Speak Of The Dead is still my fave, but this is a much better effort than Carved In Stone.