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Halo 2 - The Original Soundtrack .Volume 1

Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori are brilliant... However the songs by Hoobastank, and Incubus make me want to puke allmost... i suppose they go 'alright' witht he whole halo universe...however when it comes to musical skill i almost puke! everytime I listen to this album I gotta listen to some Symphony X Directly after to lift my spirits!
Our friend got us a couple of EPICA CDs because we'll be seeing the band when they open for Kamelot. Good music, good band, but I find her operatic voice so annoying.
Head_Banger said:
Adagio - The Inner Road

Adagio starts their world tour this autumn... THIS SMELLS...
Co/op tour SX and Adagio???
I think that would make me shit my pants... twice, just because of the thought.... ueah, shit..:loco:
Are they going to Maine or Montreal?
Adagio has only posted french dates so far, but they said on site they were going to tour september 05 - january 06... :)
One could wish for a tour over seas, or in Norway for my part :p...

But both bands go on tour in the autumn or something like that, soo...who Knows :D
A.C.T. - Wake Up - Apartment 122

This stuff is amazing. People need to listen to these guys, because this is crazy good.
It's more like.. prog rock'ish rather than metal.
If you like bands like Beyond Twilight/ Nightingale/ Circus Maximus and like.. good melodies and extremely good, clean vocals well... You'll like this better :D

I know this isn't that recommendation thread but bleh.., I'm listening to this now :p I recommend checking out their 2003 release "Last Epic" first.

EDIT: Here are some reviews and stuff