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SilentRealm said:
god I cant stop listening to the new Amon Amarth atm!! I need to stop myself from playing it SO much so that I dont burn it out too quickly..
At first, I was about to say "No you don't." But then you made an interesting point about burning it out, so....

AMON AMARATH :headbang:

Montu Sekhmet said:
I'm learning the drum part to that. It's tricky for like five minutes.
Casey Grillo is an amazing drummer, but alot of his drum parts are rediculously easy to figure out.

ELP- Karn Evil 9 Part One
:worship: A part of one of the greatest pieces of music ever written in the history of the universe in all its splendour and glory.

Karn Evil > Your Soul

np: ________ ___ ___; Twisted wings of paranoia; Twilight runs through eyes of ignorance.
Ptah Khnemu said:
AMON AMARATH :headbang:

:worship: A part of one of the greatest pieces of music ever written in the history of the universe in all its splendour and glory.

Karn Evil > Your Soul


Yep. AA rocks as well, I love the melodeath genre as a whole.

ELP- Pirates

This is my favorite ELP song besides Knife-Edge.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Casey Grillo is an amazing drummer, but alot of his drum parts are rediculously easy to figure out

maybe if your a super drummer, Im sorry I cant double bass gallop, but then again I can play the drums well either, and to say he is an monster is an understatement
Iumentus - Iumentum Part 2

DAMMIT! This song got taken off of my Myspace song list for some reason. Since when do they only allow 3 songs on a profile? THAT'S BULLSHITE! I got extremely pissed and irate about it and wrote and emo-esque blog about it too...

Not really. It was more of a pissed-off metalhead blog. :kickass:
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Lemme check it again.

EDIT: Well, I see Iumentum Part 2 on there, but there is only 3 songs. That's because I just switched it with one of my crappy ones. Apparently, you can upload 4 songs onto the server but you can only have 3 on the page. Why? :err:

Iumentum - Iumentus Part 1, of course.