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Are you refering to Dominate, or the one that's coming out next?
I only have the first 2 and play them every once in a while. For some reason, Adagio just lacks a certain X-Factor needed to keep me coming back for more. Definitely some decent stuff, though.
I think that might be the writing approach. I know with extraction he set-out with a vision of more of a super-group type thing and wanted more over the top/complex stuff so everyone could really shine. If this track is any indication, it seems like a bit of a nod to his older stuff with some of his rock/pop influences (granted the the tune, being a cover, might have more to do with that). Seems like he's taking a lighter, more fun approach which I think is cool (and I don't mean to put extraction down at all with that statement as I adore it. I'd compare the two the same way I compare lasagna and steak)
I really did love extraction and wouldn't have minded at all if he went in that direction, but if he is in fact returning to his older style that's just as good. I have heard all of his albums, with the exception of the first one, and they have all been consistently good. I'm confident this one will be good as well based on that.