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101st reply, great!

valanx said:

god its so awersome.....i wish i knew what box the dvd was still in !!!! (not long moved house)

what a great fucking concert! halford looks cool, and tipton looks like rod stewart.. downing is just strange with those shades. the related videos from the same concert/tour are great as well. think downing has that guitar he was playing on his vid on remember valanx?
Crusader said:
101st reply, great!

what a great fucking concert! halford looks cool, and tipton looks like rod stewart.. downing is just strange with those shades. the related videos from the same concert/tour are great as well. think downing has that guitar he was playing on his vid on remember valanx?

Yeah his red hamer mini V , cool guitar!! And your right Glenn does look like rod stewart on that gig lol

np. nothing....but the last thing i listened to before was some of Halfords '2wo voyeurs effort, what a ruddy strange album that is!!!
Klingonbear said:
Some of the Fight remixes are a bit odd, too!

Mind you, when they came out, they made me go back and listen to My Dying Bride and Creaming Jesus.

I like the odd bit of industrial. Mind you, I like the odd bit of goth, if it involves Patricia Morrison! ;0)

Yeah those fight remixes were as 'this is not judas priest' as rob halford could of wanted at that time, the 'kill it' being particulary annoying i remember!

my wife adores my dying bride, your probably the only other person ive seen mention them....Whos patricia morrison btw ???

np. Judas Priest - Desert Plains (live 86)
Klingonbear said:
Demon - The Unexpected Guest

Always liked Demon.

What a great band I also like night of the demon.They wereon the same label as saxonwernt they?I have had to download these albums because my turntable is knackered at the moment.
Wilks: I actually found the expanded remasters of all the Demon albums in my local metal shop for £6 each. Picked up Unexpected Guest and British Standard Approved. I really enjoy those albums still. I first happened acoss Demon on a Carrere Records compilation, which included tracks by Saxon, Rose Tattoo Dokken and maybe someone else.

Now playing: Skyclad - The Wayward Sons of Mother Earth