Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gadlor said:
double post, but oh well. this song is too hot. i recommend everyone acquaint themselves with HORSE the Band if they do not know em.
YES! I love HORSE the Band, and my brother does even more. If you walk into his room you can find HORSE the speaker, HORSE the bass, HORSE the bass amp... the list continues. Their website's pretty funny too.
Hot CD. First Moonsorrow album I own - and it's all in Finnish! I get to practice my finnish skizzles, hooray!
Right now gums. this CD is hot stuff. and you definitely need to listen to horse the band.

this song is my favorite so far. pretty trippy stuff.
Anyone ever listen to Alarum? It's like prog/thrash. Good stuff. Gadlor, I think you'd like them. I'm on kind of a prog kick, which isn't common for me. I think you started me going with Shadow Gallery.
the new album is good.
he still has queer violins in use but by far not as much as on other albums.
the whole album sounds more straight than the previous one.
though i like the older ones a lot too.