Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

King Chaos said:
Got on Anaal Nathrak- The Codex Necro.
Bloody ace, most evil music Ive ever heard :Smokedev:
Hell yeah, Anaal Nathrakh rocks. When I bought two Into Eternity albums, Century Media sent me 3 promos with them, one of which had Submission is for the Weak on it, and I had to go find more.

ShadowOfFire said:
Immortal Souls - Edge Of The Frost
Immortal Souls diserves so much more recognition it's not even funny. Ice Upon the Night still hasn't been released in America (but it has a much nicer cover than the European version).

NP: GRAVEWORM - Fear of the Dark. I knew it wasn't Cradle of Filth. Damn mislabeled files.
froosch said:
Hell yeah, Anaal Nathrakh rocks. When I bought two Into Eternity albums, Century Media sent me 3 promos with them, one of which had Submission is for the Weak on it, and I had to go find more.

Immortal Souls diserves so much more recognition it's not even funny. Ice Upon the Night still hasn't been released in America (but it has a much nicer cover than the European version).

NP: GRAVEWORM - Fear of the Dark. I knew it wasn't Cradle of Filth. Damn mislabeled files.

Yes Yes and more Yes!!!
I agree with all of that. Anaal Nathrakh, awesome, absolutly awesome. And the Immortal Souls statement you made is exactly right. They defiantly need more recognition.
I'm sorry I still cant stop listening to The Black Mages, I wanna buy the god damn cd :p

NP: The Black Mages - The Clash on the Big Bridge

I love the harmonies they come up with, its pretty CoB'ish at times even.
Judas Priest - Between the Hammer & the Anvil

OK, so I've been growing my hair for about seven months now, and it was starting just about what I'd call medium-lenth (in the front it came down to my nose). So I read/heard from several sources about how hair will grow faster when you cut it just a little bit, it'll make up for what you lost. So I go to get a trim, and the guy takes like fucking 3 and a half inches off! That's like three months of growing! I was going to have my hair long for Ozzfest! And I look like 4 years younger. MY FUCKING HAIR IS FUCKING GONE. :waah:
That sucks...I had to cut my hair for track. I won't go into detail how much inchery I lost...but it was a lot. :erk:

NP: Morifade - Tomorrow Knows
Gah, that too sucks. Your hair rock(s/ed) from the two pictures i've seen.

And honestly my hair will probably grow in better now, just not as fast.

Anyone here an Emperor fan? I'm buying In the Nightside Eclipse, already got Wrath of the Tyrant, and Prometheus isn't on sale. Should I get Anthems, Equilibrium, or save my 6 bucks? Centry Media's got them on sale, but I only want two.

NP: Falconer - Ravenhair
Allright, thanks Tobbe. I've always been told In the Nightside Eclipse is like the album to end all albums, and never really hear anything else about the other ones. I had hardly even listened to Emperor until I bought Wrath of the Tyrant about a month ago and when I heard it I just had to have more.

NP: Carnal Forge - My Bloody Rampage
In The Nightside Eclipse :rock: :kickass: It's truly amazing. Check out Scattered Ashes too, its a compilation, if you are into getting those. I forget what the tracklist is.

Damn now I gotta fix my sig, New Skyfire streetdate = May 21st for more Promotion Time.

Nightrage - The Glow Of The Setting Sun
GAH! They're fucking sold out of all of the CDs on sale! I hope they restock before the sale ends. They probably will if it sold out this quick, they wouldn't skip the chance to make some cash.

NO: Children of Bodom - Warheart
Wow. This is definitely the best CD so far out of these guys.

Dream Evil - The Book of Heavy Metal - Chosen Twice