Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NP: Skyfire - Shadow Creator

I HEAR CLEAN SINGING! I HEAR IT! WOOOOOOOO! That is nifty indeed! The refrain for this song is very super catchy as well. Good stuff! :worship:
Actually, THIS has bound to be the best metal cover ever. I'm serious.

Diablo - Dancing Queen (growled, of course...HAHAHAHAHA!)
Anyone else watching VH1's 100 Most Metal Moments? They already peaked, on the second day. Number 69 was everything included in the early 90's Norwegian Black Metal Scene. Then they followed it with some chick that cut a guitar with a saw. MTV really needs to fucking die.

NP: Vader - Total Desaster (Destruction cover)

Currently one of my favorite covers. Not as interesting as, say, My Heart Will Go On by Cannibal Corpse, but good.