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neal said:
which is the best borknagar?
tough call. all are good imo. try these songs from each album to choose one

The Archaic Course - Ad Noctum
Quintessence - Colossus
Empiricism - The Genuine Pulse

I didn't include any songs from the first 2 albums, with Varg on vox, cause i don't have them and i don't remember them enough. although they are good albums as well
Gums said:
Yeah Vintersorg kinda makes borknagar a little more cheesy imo. His voice stands out like a sore thumb, where Simon's is like another instrument.
Pardon the ignorance, who is Simon?
And who said that cheesy was bad- ever heard of a little thing called power metal?
AlphaTemplar said:
Princeton Record Exchange in Princeton, New Jersey, in the used CD rack. I got lucky, some unfortunate bastard must have liked the cover and bought it without knowing it was some weird form of folk/black metal and returned it after one listen, because it just came out and it doesn't have a scratch on it.

It also happened to be the only good thing I saw on the used rack. I was getting very discouraged, and I saw that and I was like "What the hell is this doing here?"

Actually I think it's a promo version because it's in a little cardboard sleeve package thing instead of a jewel case. But it's still the whole CD, for only 3 bucks, and that's what's important.

I still need to get into older Borknagar. I do really like this album, but I can see what you mean about Vintersorg. But I guess I don't really know what I'm missing because I've only heard a little of anything else from them.