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Final_Vision said:
Sunrise - Drain the Cup

Listening now...

What do you think man? Not to bad huh. I'd recommened like downloading most of the stuff off of Lifeforce, some of those bands are great, Heaven Shall Burn, Sunrise, Shad Fall, All That Remains, good stuff.
Man...the worst I feared...the new Shadows Fall song IS nearly as boring as Destroyer of Senses...I hope the new album isnt completely like this...
Yeah I have DH's Hidden Hands CD and its alright...but pretty boring. Wayyyyyyyyy too much overuse of thrash beats and the vocals sound unintelligible half the time. The first two tracks I must say are good tho :D
froosch said:
This band has serious balls for naming their album Folkemon.
in some interview, Walkyer said he was having a serious pot session and this Pokémon figure came to his mind and thus he named the album Folkémon :grin: :grin:
n other interviews he explained the title in a completely differnt way, so who knows for sure ;)

NP: Naglfar - I Am Vengeance :rock:

the gig was sooo great - all the neck pain was worth it :worship:
no, from Vittra they played As the twilight gave birth to the night and Emerging from her weepings I think; but i'm not 100% sure - i was headbanging, man! no time for seriously guessing songs :lol: :lol:

and i had too much alc before :blush: