Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been listening to the Trivium CD a lot lately, Ember to Inferno. Picked it up a few days ago and havent stop listening. Great fucking album. The title track pwns j00 all!
Hell yeah they are. So underrated too... Well, I don't know about underrated because everyone that hears them loves them, but not well-known enough. Even my friend who listens to country likes Immortal Souls (He likes Skyfire too... Actually he likes most things so he's not a good example, but still).
Ayreon's new CD is a wacky trip through musical la-la land. Concept albums are always a trip - and this one is pretty good, with LaBrie doing some of the vocals and random people chiming in on the rest.
As neal so aptly puts it, I am listening to some buttrock. And being rocked. Like a hurricane.
froosch said:
Hell yeah they are. So underrated too... Well, I don't know about underrated because everyone that hears them loves them, but not well-known enough. Even my friend who listens to country likes Immortal Souls (He likes Skyfire too... Actually he likes most things so he's not a good example, but still).

Yeah dude Immortal Souls is wicked underrated. They just got that US label too so they can distribute their CD here. If you go to like Newbury Comics or Bullmoose or some random place you'll probably see Ice Upon The Night. They are also getting played more and more on that Metal Music TV Channel. However I knew of them way before all of this. But yeah definitly underrated.

Imperanon - Prisoner In Me