Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love this album too. Usually Maiden has awesome songs mixed in with filler, but Seventh Son rules straight through. Can I Play With Madness is the low point in my opinion, but it's damn catchy and would be better if not surrounded by awesomeness.
Dude, this album has some kind of hypnotic effect. I'm trying to concentrate on this bigass thing for school and I can't because I keep listening to the music, but I don't want to turn it off either.

Gadlor - awesome fucking band. The drummer is a machine. And by that I don't mean literally a drum machine... but if they got one it probably couldn't play as fast.
I don't know if this album could be considered 'underrated,' but at least amongst the metal people I talk to, I don't think "Expanding Senses" gets the credit it deserves
I hate this song. I hate this song. I hate this song.

Then why the hell have I been listening to it over and over again for the past half hour?