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I think you can pause the subscription when you need to....should look into it.

Really? That might be worthwhile. I only drive about 1/2 hour to work, and the same back, but I only go to work once or twice a week (gone for 4 days, then home), so I go through books really slow.

Kingiller Chronicles is a great listen even if you have read them. Nick Podhel does a wonderful job, another one of my favorites though he has quite the odd body of work. Have another book he has narrated called Tales from the Radiation Age which looks interesting....just have not gotten to it yet.

Yup. I've read that series. Good stuff.

Try the Powder Mage Trilogy by Brian McClellan? Not super dark, but the magic system is very cool.

LOL. I just finished the Powder Mage Trilogy. While it's not the best fantasy I've every read, it was enjoyable, and well narrated (I thought). I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it though. It was a fun series.

Have you read anything by Joe Abercrombie? You should read everything he's ever done, even the YA stuff he's doing now. Doomy dark, but a wide variety of setpieces. Everything from high fantasy, to revenge killings, Killer Angels in fantasy setting, to a very high western feel. He's probably my current favorite fantasy author right now.

I have, and I've liked everything so far. That might make a good choice as I've not read everything by him.

Also anything by Mark Lawrence. He's got two trilogies: The Broken Empire, which is done, and the Red Queen's War, which just started with the first book last fall. Doomy Dark, and the main characters are all insane.
The Dagger and the Dark books by Daniel Abraham are pretty good. (4 books are out of a 5 book series, starts with the Dragon's Path).
Peter Brett is halfway through a sextet called the Demon Cycle, high fantasy and dark.

Lots of good recommends there guys. Thanks. I'll see which are available.
BTW Lek, I looked into putting my account on hold. It's for 3 months and you can only do it once per year. That won't be enough for me, but I did find out that they have a new account type (silver) that is $7 per month, and you get 1 credit every other month. That is about perfect for me, so I'm going to try that.

I decided to try Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence. I've added some of the other suggestions to my wish list, and may give them a try later.

Got this in another bundle of books. Andy Gavin is the founder of video game developer Naughty Dog and apparently he also writes books. This time travel adventure is a good ripping yarn. If it weren't for all the sex, I'd say it would be a solid YA novel. Definitely set itself up for a sequel.

Because I am absolutely a masochist, apparently. Ed Greenwood is definitely NOT my favorite author. Or at least doesn't write about interesting-to-me subject matter... but I do love the characters Elminster and Storm Silverhand, and so I put up with annoyances like Galthra. Oh my god I hate her. Also I skipped Elminsters Daughter because I heard it was basically written exactly like Elminster in Hell, which I nearly couldn't slog through. I couldn't have done that again.
After a great start, it was really slow in places. I kept slogging through the Harry chapters to get back to Pinhead and his adventures in hell.

Well, that's disappointing. I really hoped he would recapture the old magic. Barker, King, and McCammon had a huge influence on me as a kid.
Also anything by Mark Lawrence. He's got two trilogies: The Broken Empire, which is done, and the Red Queen's War, which just started with the first book last fall. Doomy Dark, and the main characters are all insane.

I decided to give The Broken Empire series a shot. I finished listening to Prince of Thorns, and I'm just about 1/4 of the way through King of Thorns. It is narrated very well. The guy really does a great job with the main character, and since it's in 1st person, that is great.

I was surprised as hell by the main character's character. It's really different, but it's entertaining as hell, if twisted as hell. I recommend it. It's really good so far. Not great, but good and entertaining.

Thanks for the recommendation!

BTW, I'm currently re-reading "Never Deal with a Dragon" which is the first Shadowrun book.
I should have known by the cover this would suck.

It is hard to know with self-published books, since I've seen some otherwise good books with crap covers. (Again, me talking about "Chosen" above, better than expected.) Then again, reading the description of this one, I would have been skeptical.