Now Reading...

Thanks to Glenn himself, I'm readin all of The EVENT series books by David L. Goleman. Fantastic stuff. Also Marc Reilly. Is that right Glenn? hehe..
And just finished The Lost Symbol. Good book, but Angels and Demons is still better IMO.

Also love all of the Pendergast novels by Preston and Child.

Thanks for the references bro!!!!!

Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. It's a collection of short stories that are somewhat related to one another. Some of them are absolutely kickass, eye-popping stuff, while others are simply not bad.

I must say I think twice before wandering around inside a pool thanks to this book. :lol:
Just finished Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton. If you take all the sex out of LKH's Anita Blake series, you have a damn fine horror/mystery series.

Trying to decide between Dracula by Bram Stoker, or a collection of horror stories from around the world that I picked up.
Finished Namaah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey.

She will probably never again equal the excellence of her first ("Kushiel") trilogy, but this was a good start to, I assume, a new trilogy. There's a lot less "we are saving Terre d'Ange" in this, but as usual, her character development carries the day and more than makes up for it.

And there's a dragon.

And Ch'inese people.

And, umm....a lot of lesbian sex. Which should surprise no-one who's read her books before.

The Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple

Oh man... I'm reading "Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati" by Robert Anton Wilson. It's the author's experience with a lot of the 60's and 70's gurus of yoga, magick, neurology, meditation, and spirituality. There is a running theme of strange "coincidences" or synchronicities in the author's life surrounding the Dog-Star Sirius. So I'm reading this book and chuckling at how often Sirius pops up in this guy's life and it starts making him really wonder about things. Namely, he formulates a theory about when you recognize or open yourself up to something, it becomes more evident in your daily life. (Ever see a car you like, then suddenly you see it everywhere but never really did before?) He theorizes that we either begin to manifest these things in our surroundings through telekinetic and ESP channels, or our minds are no longer tossing that information out with the neural filter, but either way we should be aware of when it happens. Then I come here to a thread I haven't posted in for months, and the most recent post is......"The Sirius Mystery" o_O f$#@in' weird!
Oh man... I'm reading "Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati" by Robert Anton Wilson. It's the author's experience with a lot of the 60's and 70's gurus of yoga, magick, neurology, meditation, and spirituality. There is a running theme of strange "coincidences" or synchronicities in the author's life surrounding the Dog-Star Sirius. So I'm reading this book and chuckling at how often Sirius pops up in this guy's life and it starts making him really wonder about things. Namely, he formulates a theory about when you recognize or open yourself up to something, it becomes more evident in your daily life. (Ever see a car you like, then suddenly you see it everywhere but never really did before?) He theorizes that we either begin to manifest these things in our surroundings through telekinetic and ESP channels, or our minds are no longer tossing that information out with the neural filter, but either way we should be aware of when it happens. Then I come here to a thread I haven't posted in for months, and the most recent post is......"The Sirius Mystery" o_O f$#@in' weird!

Nice! That stuff sounds a little to new-age for me, but Sirius has a long history in human events and culture. The Dogon tribe which is what the Sirius Mystery is based on have similarities to the ancient Sumerians history which sparked my interest in picking up this book.

The next book I need to pick up is The Orion Mystery which deals with Orion's Belt being linked to past human belief systems and architecture. I have a song on the Prog Power X CD sampler disc 2 called The Way Home from my band Divinity Compromised. The song is about the great pyramids of Egypt and their relation to Orion's Belt.
Nice! That stuff sounds a little to new-age for me, but Sirius has a long history in human events and culture. The Dogon tribe which is what the Sirius Mystery is based on have similarities to the ancient Sumerians history which sparked my interest in picking up this book.

The next book I need to pick up is The Orion Mystery which deals with Orion's Belt being linked to past human belief systems and architecture. I have a song on the Prog Power X CD sampler disc 2 called The Way Home from my band Divinity Compromised. The song is about the great pyramids of Egypt and their relation to Orion's Belt.

Yes, this book of mine deals with the Dogon tribe briefly but is pretty much the lead-up to the author believing that the "Illuminati" are really aliens from Sirius. I know it sounds crazy, and in paraphrase it sounds even crazier, but it's actually a really good read. I thought, "Oh this book is just going to be another whack-job nut talking about government conspiracies and secret societies. Let's see how ridiculous he gets. *begin reading*" I was quickly corrected and realized the book was taking a whole different approach to the question of who/what make up this strange group/thing/entity called "Illuminati?" In fact, it's quite the scenic route to a very subjective answer.

I think I might read your book next since it seems to fit right with the intent of my book's author. He has even claimed to have communication with higher intelligences from Sirius, a claim that at first glance appears the be the after-effects of too much LSD and pot in the 60's. :Smokin:

At any rate, it should be interesting. Maybe aliens really did build the pyramids! Or angels. Or something else but our brains interpret it with entities we recognize. Or God. Or.. you get the point :loco:
Yes, this book of mine deals with the Dogon tribe briefly but is pretty much the lead-up to the author believing that the "Illuminati" are really aliens from Sirius. I know it sounds crazy, and in paraphrase it sounds even crazier, but it's actually a really good read. I thought, "Oh this book is just going to be another whack-job nut talking about government conspiracies and secret societies. Let's see how ridiculous he gets. *begin reading*" I was quickly corrected and realized the book was taking a whole different approach to the question of who/what make up this strange group/thing/entity called "Illuminati?" In fact, it's quite the scenic route to a very subjective answer.

I think I might read your book next since it seems to fit right with the intent of my book's author. He has even claimed to have communication with higher intelligences from Sirius, a claim that at first glance appears the be the after-effects of too much LSD and pot in the 60's. :Smokin:

At any rate, it should be interesting. Maybe aliens really did build the pyramids! Or angels. Or something else but our brains interpret it with entities we recognize. Or God. Or.. you get the point :loco:

Yes I've heard about the Illuminati bloodline being extraterrestrial. I actually had a Rush Limbaugh show clip where he said they found evidence of the Illuminati bloodline on Mars lol. I'll have to try and find that clip and post it.

I think I'll have to put your book on my list of future reads.
Yes I've heard about the Illuminati bloodline being extraterrestrial. I actually had a Rush Limbaugh show clip where he said they found evidence of the Illuminati bloodline on Mars lol. I'll have to try and find that clip and post it.

I think I'll have to put your book on my list of future reads.

If you can find that clip, send it to me in a PM. That'd be pretty interesting to watch :lol:
Finished Namaah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey.

She will probably never again equal the excellence of her first ("Kushiel") trilogy, but this was a good start to, I assume, a new trilogy. There's a lot less "we are saving Terre d'Ange" in this, but as usual, her character development carries the day and more than makes up for it.
Awwww! I was hoping her new books would be just as good! I'm getting Kushiel's Justice after I read my current book (Blasphemy by Douglas Preston). I'm not really enjoying the Imriel books as much as the Phaedre ones. I just love her style so much I can't stop reading them...

GAH!!!!!! Thinking of high fantasy now makes me want more Jacqueline Carey and Storm Constantine!