Now Van's open to a reunion

I wouldn't mind him returning, but I don't see any of the previous guitarists being open to it. Broderick would laugh his ass off.

Broderick is in it for a payday. We'll see how much of Mustaine's bullshit he can tolerate. Junior is a freak of nature for his ability to put up with Dave for ~30 years.

And besides, since we're talking songwriters, I don't think Chris has distinguished himself in that regard. He never contributed to Nevermore, we've seen relatively nothing in Megadeth, and Jag Panzer put out some weak material and they were around for a long time. If I were to survey this board and ask for Jeff's 5 defining compositions, we'd get a nice list. What are Chris's defining songs as a songwriter?

Good god you guys don't make me die wanting to say something when I can't

:tickled: Like I said, Warrel, I'm glad you're dealing with it all privately, whatever may happen. Nothing sullies a band's legacy like public bitchery. Even Pink Floyd will be forever defined not for great music but for two grown men who couldn't act it.
I like you, Traxan. I like your posts and I like your attitude.

I think Pink Floyd's drama came solely from Roger Waters, however...he's a self-admitted prick. However, neither he nor Gilmour were ever friends...they were friendly acquaintances who had to work together to make the machine keep going, but Waters is such an ego-maniac that PF was just never going to work with both of them in the band. It was nice to see him invite Gilmour to play on Comfortably Numb at his shows for The Wall, though. That was really cool.

Welcome back, Mah! Been a while...

Warrel, we're all just speculating here...just shooting off at the mouth. I think everyone is prepared to eat a little crow if it means NM gets back together with or without Van and Jeff. I just wanna hear more music come from you; it could be a solo album or a new NM album, just give us more Warrel music!
Warrel, we're all just speculating here...just shooting off at the mouth. I think everyone is prepared to eat a little crow if it means NM gets back together with or without Van and Jeff. I just wanna hear more music come from you; it could be a solo album or a new NM album, just give us more Warrel music!
Yeah, that's kinda what I think too.

I would infinitely prefer every (ex-)Nevermore member making the music he likes and having fun doing it, making great albums with or without Nevermore, over seeing a forced reunion that not everyone's fully supporting and ending up with stifled creativity.

So yeah, basically, I'm hoping everyone just does what he feels best with!

Hi Mah!

Even Pink Floyd will be forever defined not for great music but for two grown men who couldn't act it.
Absolutely, public bitching would have made this all much more painful. For instance, I don't think even the most die-hard G'n'R fan can wrap his mind around Axl forbidding audience members to wear Slash shirts. At least Pink Floyd actually made good music.
I've always thought GnR were incredibly overrated. Their groundbreaking debut was needed to sorta break everyone out of the glam scene, but after that it was just a bunch of drama queens being pissy about everything. The UYI albums had some really great songs on them but imo Skid Row's Slave to the Grind album was better than either of them.
If only more people here felt that way. I don't know how it is in other European countries, but in Italy GnR is sacrosanct to people here, especially YOUNG people. By young, I mean teenagers! There's a huge surge of 80's metal among the youth here, and I just wanna pull them aside and tell them, "You DO realize that Poison was a joke even in the 80's, right?" It's not just that they like them, they take them seriously, as if they had all this integrity and weren't just about partying and getting laid. I think they lack the context of some of these bands. Ok, Motley Crue, Skid Row, they can be forgiven sometimes because STTG was a fantastic album and Motley Crue were the pioneers of glam and had great albums as well, but shit like Poison and Winger? Smh.
I don't know how it is in other European countries, but in Italy GnR is sacrosanct to people here, especially YOUNG people.
Oh, no they're mostly a laughing stock here. Now, twenty years ago, then it was different. G'n'R was the typical "baby's first hard rock band" that teenagers bought shirts of because they thought it'd scare their parents.
Yeah for the past twenty years, everyone loves GnR here for some reason. Even when they grow out of it they never grow out of it. It's annoying as shit. That is, everyone except the Romans; it's not "strange" enough for them...they're like hipsters without the annoying fashion and shitty taste in music. But goddamn are they elitist.

Oh well, it could be worse. People here could be listening to Kanye West and all the other bullshit on pop radio everywhere else. Almost everyone I've ever met here listens to at the very least classic rock. It has its fair share of insipid bullshit, but it's not like France where everything is terrible house music.
I think Pink Floyd's drama came solely from Roger Waters, however...he's a self-admitted prick. However, neither he nor Gilmour were ever friends...they were friendly acquaintances who had to work together to make the machine keep going, but Waters is such an ego-maniac that PF was just never going to work with both of them in the band. It was nice to see him invite Gilmour to play on Comfortably Numb at his shows for The Wall, though. That was really cool.

Mmm... yes and no. Waters did melt down, that's true, and I always thought the fact he spat on one fan in a moment of frustration was a bit overblown. Get over it dude. Even Neil Peart has admitted to knocking down a fan who got in his face and he's about as passive as they get.

But once the lawsuit was settled, it was Gilmour who was the owner of the Floyd name and by default, its legacy and spokesman, which drives me up a wall. He was a replacement for Syd, after all.

And he's been the intransigent one in recent years. When Geldoff first approached Floyd about a reunion at Live 8, Waters said yes, Gilmour said no. It took serious lobbying on Geldoff's part to get Gilmour to agree.

Then in 2008, when they learned Rick Wright had terminal cancer, there was talk of them doing the Glastonbury festival as a final reunion but somehow they couldn't pull it together. I mean, seriously, a bandmate is dying, he has little time, and you don't drop everything for this final chance?

With Wright gone, so are any chances for a reunion now. Wright was Gilmour's ally in the band against Waters (Mason just kept his head down). With his ally gone, Gilmour ain't going forward.

Bringing this back to Nevermore somehow, I never saw the split to be on the same level as Floyd. Ok, Warrel made it clear he didn't care for Van but the lawyers were never called in. In Jeff's case, I suspect it was a midlife crisis. He turned 40 last year and realized he's done nothing but Nevermore his adult life. That'll make you do something drastic.
I thought Van did a fine job for NM and maybe I'm biased but every cd was great to me in its own way. I didn't get sick of the songs or the tone or the color of Jeff's guitars. NO reason to bash anybody at this point - they all got sick of each other and the flame burnt out. The new cycle for Sanctuary will be awesome and thoroughly enjoyable and we will all be excited when these guys reunite for some festivals down the road and hug it out with "all the negative stuff being in the past".
Good god you guys don't make me die wanting to say something when I can't
You are such a tease. :o

HA! Very well, since you're at least aware, I'll leave it at that.


Welcome back, Mah! Been a while...

Warrel, we're all just speculating here...just shooting off at the mouth. I think everyone is prepared to eat a little crow if it means NM gets back together with or without Van and Jeff. I just wanna hear more music come from you; it could be a solo album or a new NM album, just give us more Warrel music!
Hai DW. :wave:
I agree with that sentiment. However, i'd like to see new styles creeping in the more music. :)
A couple of things I'd like to comment on.

GnR is abysmal.

Jeffs tone was awesome on the six string albums rythem wise, but for leads I always thought it was too trebely and thin. Not surprising if he was using the active EMGs back then.

Later albums I have mixed feelings on his tone. Really muddy (I know some of that can be attributed to the low B string), sometimes it worked and sometimes I felt it detracted. Same with the lead. I loved the guitar tones on Warrel's album. A lot.

Nevermore needs to release one more really solid album (which they haven't done in forever) and call it quits, because at this point I'd rather have another Warrel Dane solo album. Some of the riffing was generic, but damn that album was inspired. The last few Nevermore albums, while good, kind of felt like they were just getting it done.
They released their last 'solid' album 6 years ago in TGE. Second, if by your standards they were to release another 'solid record' in the future, you would want more. You wouldn't be satisfied if they said 'ok, time to call it quits'. It's against human nature.
They released their last 'solid' album 6 years ago in TGE. Second, if by your standards they were to release another 'solid record' in the future, you would want more. You wouldn't be satisfied if they said 'ok, time to call it quits'. It's against human nature.

Yes, I would. Because I could get my Warrel Dane fix from other bands.

Breaking Bad is one of my favorite shows and I'm glad it's ending before it gets shitty. Now Vince Giligan or whatever his name is can make something else.

I'd like to look back at Nevermore fondly, knowing they went out on a good note. The exact opposite of the way I'm sure I'll end up seeing Opeth at this rate. Or In Flames for that matter. I don't mean to say The Obsidian Conspiracy wasn't a good album. It was. But it wasn't a good Nevermore album.
Ok, so you're a Warrel fan and not a Nevermore fan. I'm not being accusatory but just making the distinction. I think most of us would rate any of the top Nevermore albums above WD's solo record. It's a great album but As a unit Nevermore released better output.
They released their last 'solid' album 6 years ago in TGE. Second, if by your standards they were to release another 'solid record' in the future, you would want more. You wouldn't be satisfied if they said 'ok, time to call it quits'. It's against human nature.
Errrr... that's a lot of assumptions you're making there.

I, for one, would like it much more if a band said, "It's been good, but best to end on a high note", rather than releasing a few mediocre albums in their death throes.
You guys got spoiled because Nevermore had a long peak.

See, I've noticed that every band has a creative peak, and it lasts about 5 years on average, 7 years at the longest. Then they lose it, for a variety of reasons. THey get fat heads, they get lazy, they lose their fire, drugs take over, or they burn out. Think of your favorites and ask yourselves, what was their best period and how long did it last?

Some bands are really obvious, like Rush was 1976 to 1981, '2112' to 'Moving Pictures.' Then they did 'Signals' and the 80s were mostly a wash of synthesizers and bad haircuts. They got their mojo back with 'Counterparts,' IMO. Other bands have had great second acts as well. Look at the comebacks from Slayer, Exodus, Overkill and Anthrax in recent years.

Others are subtle. Does anyone want to argue In Flames were at their peak from 1995 to 2000, TJR to 'Clayman?' But then it went downhill and it's debatable when they started to truly suck. Some would say RtR, others might say STYE or 'Come Clarity.' At this point it doesn't matter, they are a pitiful shell of what they once were and I'm glad as fuck I saw them at their peak because I seriously doubt they will have a second coming like we saw with Slayer.

Nevermore had a monster peak. From 1999 to 2005 they produced four masterpieces, with EoR dinged for bad production, not bad content and the remix fixed that. That's a lot. Even Slayer weren't that consistent. TOC wasn't bad but it was clear Nevermore was off its peak. Would they have to wander in the wilderness for a decade until they got their shit together like everyone else? Maybe but most bands who have a second act did so when they are the same ages as Warrel and Jim.

Maybe some day a sympathetic documentary filmmaker will do a movie about this criminally underrated band that should have made it but was passed by. :)