Now Van's open to a reunion

BTW, if anyone's on Steam with BL2, add me. Doomblackdeath. Played with Steve the other day and it was glorious.

He's got a sexy voice...totally unexpected due to his small stature. He should do porn voiceovers.
I'm with Kevin on this one.

Uneasy_Conscience comes out with some interesting stuff on occasion, but usually it's just the most tiring and arrogant tosh. The superior attitude and how seriously he takes himself makes me laugh.

You ain't the be all and end all, you ain't done it all, ain't seen it all and certainly don't have the experience or capacity to lord anything you have seen, done or been over anyone else on this forum, especially Kevin.

There is something rather important and dignified in remaining humble. Knowing things should contribute to the wonder of the unknown and a healthy respect for it, not to the arrogant parading of what you do know as if it gives you a pedestal.
Cool song. The first guitar interlude was really, really cool...but that bridge solo just seemed awkward and odd. I dig the vocals, although it would've been much cooler if there had been some cleans in there.

The rhythm to the song was a little flat, imo. It felt like an albatross trying to take off but running out of room to do so and just petering out.
I would like to change my "meh" to a "ridiculous". I'm not into bashing Jeff's newer stuff all the time... but this....
I wouldn't call the vocals awful unless you've never listened to scream vocals before. It's nothing special but it's no worse than all those terrible screamo bands. It would have been better for a black metal or black-ish metal band.

The worst part of the song is the dull drumming and rhythm playing. Clearly the rhythm was just an afterthought to the song and he wrote the rhythm around his solos.
We should resurrect Cobain so he can shoot himself again... the first time sure seemed to light Grohl's creative fire.
"Somebody" made this a few years ago. I thought it was pretty funny/


And FYI, Jeff has no intentions of coming back. So stop giving the fan-bois false hopes. Dont believe everything you read on the internet. You can talk to Jeff and Warrel directly via Facebook, unless you ask them retarded fucking questions.

Neither one of them is ready to play in a band together again. They talk, they are NOT enemies. They are still friends. This breakup was needed in order for their friendship to be what it once was.

Give it up already, Nevermore with Loomis is done. At least for the foreseeable future.

Can we get back to talking about Bacon now....
Thank You
We should resurrect Cobain so he can shoot himself again... the first time sure seemed to light Grohl's creative fire.

The first FF album is great...I still listen to it regularly. For All the Cows, X-Static, Floaty, I'll Stick Around, This is a Call...those were great songs.
So on the left you have Rusty Cooley, Meshuggah, and I can't place the other two. On the right you have Wally, Exodus, Testament, and Machine Head. All of the bands on the right made their money before the advent of the internet, or at least before the music bubble popped. All of the bands on the left (save Rusty, I think) didn't.

What the fuck does this poster even mean? Is it saying that old school metal bands made more money because there wasn't the internet, and that because of the internet the bands on the left didn't? Is Jeff torn between the two? Is he looking at the left even though he belongs on the right?

Is the middle text part speaking for all in the picture, or referencing only one of the two sides? Machine Head makes like 200k per show on tour with Metallica, so that doesn't add up.

It seems to me that whoever made this is pissed off that the world is becoming flatter for musicians, the playing field is leveling, and that just because you can play well doesn't automatically mean you're gonna be a rich and famous rock star. It seems to me that the person who made this is a money-hungry, bitter, old fart who is past his prime and is getting long in the tooth and will never achieve his dreams. Boo hoo. Music shouldn't have a hierarchy, and if you left it up to most of the snobby dick musicians today, we'd have to worship the ground they walk on. Well, fuck that and fuck them.

If you want to get rich, you should've gone to Wall Street. If you want to get famous, you should film yourself fucking a celebrity and put the sex tape on TMZ. If you want to be both by playing music, you need to invent a time machine and go back to the 70's and 80's, where most of the music aside from the greats was fucking terrible, but due to lack of technology they threw money at you like crazy. It reminds me of the lower-class Republicans who consistently vote Republican even though their own party consistently works AGAINST them, all because they hope that one day they'll be wealthy one day...and of course, that day never comes. A little less idealism and a little more realism would go a long way in the music industry.

Art is not a profession, it's a way of life. Only the extremely lucky or extremely talented can live off of their craft. For the rest of us there are day jobs...and that's exactly how it should be.