Now Van's open to a reunion

I'd rather have John around than you. At least he has some semblance of a personality.

I have lived by the motto "live and let live", but for the past two years I have resisted the urge to type a response to Uneasy_Conscience telling him how much his negative attitude towards everything blows and how he is actually very annoying. His opinion are shit (even on music), he isn't intellectual, and he is contrary just for the sake of being contrary. Even though he is on my ignore list, I still click the view response button... so I can't really complain too much.

Don't worry, Traxan, you'll get used to Uneasy Conscience's awkward attempts at snarkiness. I'm sure he's funny in his own mind though, so at least someone's amused by his presence.

Oh it's quite all right. We all vented our spleens already.

All the drama is in the Nightwish board right now anyway.
Well since none of you have the sack to go look, the quick story is this: Anette is out, Floor Jansen from After Forever is in temporarily, and everyone is hoping she stays permanently.

Nothing like band drama.
Nice witty and original retort. Further evidence of your vanilla contributions to this board and life in general.

Once again, the fact that you want 'contributions' to an Internet message board speaks for itself. I suggest going out and making some friends. Travel, explore the world, learn different languages, etc. And do all of the above in real-life, not through Google.
I have lived by the motto "live and let live", but for the past two years I have resisted the urge to type a response to Uneasy_Conscience telling him how much his negative attitude towards everything blows and how he is actually very annoying. His opinion are shit (even on music), he isn't intellectual, and he is contrary just for the sake of being contrary. Even though he is on my ignore list, I still click the view response button... so I can't really complain too much.


I'm sure it did feel good: that's your problem and my point. We don't know each other and never will. None of you guys know each other, save maybe one or two awkward face-to-face meetings. Guys like El Stormo sit here and fancy themselves Internet psychologists. That other guy just types a bunch of lies about himself. I like to call people out on their bullshit because the facades are so transparent that I can't resist. Thicker skin, Altitude, thicker skin. No need to resort to the ignore button on an Internet forum.

I came here originally to talk about Nevermore, which I did with passion for years. Over time, the place got hijacked by a bunch of Internet geeks with questionable social skills looking for online friendships. Sorry, but that shit just weirds me out. Call me an elitist (it's true)!

.... mmm bacon.
Once again, the fact that you want 'contributions' to an Internet message board speaks for itself. I suggest going out and making some friends. Travel, explore the world, learn different languages, etc. And do all of the above in real-life, not through Google.
Where do you come up with this shit? The only point I am making here is that you're a complete douchebag and everything you say is fucking stupid.
Once again, the fact that you want 'contributions' to an Internet message board speaks for itself.
Heavens, yes. Looking for meaningful communication on a message board, how dare he. Off with his head!

Guys like El Stormo sit here and fancy themselves Internet psychologists.
I fancy myself an Internet psychologist because I think you're an unfunny failtroll while considering Traxan to be a contributive new member who shouldn't take your wanking?

I like to call people out on their bullshit because the facades are so transparent that I can't resist.
Guys like Uneasy_Conscience sit here and fancy themselves bullshit-callers when the biggest pile is the one at their own feet.

Thicker skin, Altitude, thicker skin. No need to resort to the ignore button on an Internet forum.
I do agree with you on that, I'm not a fan of ignore buttons either except in cases of extreme harrassment.

I came here originally to talk about Nevermore, which I did with passion for years. Over time, the place got hijacked by a bunch of Internet geeks with questionable social skills looking for online friendships. Sorry, but that shit just weirds me out.
And yet here you are, still, after so many years. As many as I've been here, incidentally. So I'll assume that clumsy insult doesn't apply to me. But even if it did, nothing stopping you from taking your balls and going home.

yeh kevin you need to get a hobby, get you out of the house on weekends. have you ever tried camping or hiking? i've heard washington has some really nice scenery, get out there and live man!
I think Uneasy_Conscience is a complex individual. He just wants to be accepted and loved, but he's afraid of showing his softer side, so he antagonizes us, reasoning that it's easier to sabotage our relationship with him rather than exposing himself, showing his vulnerability, and risking rejection. Yet he remains, circling us with eyes that are filled with both hatred and envy, hating us but at the same time yearning for a place in our midst, and continuing his destructive behaviour out of fear of rejection.

Deep down, Uneasy_Conscience just wants to be loved.
WTF people? I'm gone for a palsy 24 hours due to Borderlands 2, and you start a flame war without me? Goddamn you all.

Wow, Nightwish is still a band? Their music is TURRIBLE. Last I heard, they got that Annette chick who's really a pop singer and they came out with some godawful album, save for one song. I can't even believe enough people want to talk about them to even have a forum.