Super Mahrio
Deeply Horrible Person
Yeah it's like that in most big cities, goth is goth. That'll never change, imo. What has changed, like you said, is that it has mainly returned TO the big cities where it belongs...not because they're somehow better but because it's just a more fitting situation and culture. Seeing goth shops in Pecanland Mall in Monroe, Louisiana just makes me do a giant facepalm. The darkest and most goth thing about neighboring cities Ruston (where I'm from) and Monroe is that it's the setting for True Blood...and that's it.
All my friends in Rome are either goths or metalheads, and the goth scene itself is ridiculous just due to the extent they take it. I love my friends but a lot of them are fucked up people. Actually, all but one are fucked up. Everything is done in excess, from drugs, to sex, to their lifestyle, etc. They do nothing but live in this uninhibited world of goths that's exacerbated by the fact it's in Rome. Romans are by themselves wild and unhinged people, but add the goth aspect to that and it's volatile. Their sex lives are things taken straight from Caligula's handbook. Everything is to the extreme and they never grow out of it; they've been doing this for 20 years and they'll keep doing it until they die. I'm all for doing your own thing but this is a whole different set of rules they're operating under compared to other people and even other goth scenes. Sure it's fun and exciting for a while, but it's scary when you realize that there are no lines drawn, no limitations, no sense of right and wrong. And of course, being goths they celebrate that because they feel that any sort of boundary whatsoever placed upon their lives is anathema.
I admire them for their tenacity and their free-spirited lifestyle, but I really wouldn't want to live that every day. Orgies, sex cults, hardcore S&M (the really serious and borderline fucked up shit)...everyone's into it and everyone does it, and they do it often. The amount of drugs in this scene looks like a trafficking cartel. I'm more unnerved by some of these people than I am mafia or n'drangheta or camorra. Naturally, not everyone in the scene participates, but they're the minority and everyone is connected somehow. I've seen scenes from all over but I've never seen a scene that takes it as seriously and to the extent as this one. I'm no goth and neither am I an expert, so I can only share my experience with it. It's a lot of fun for a while here but when you realize that everything is real, it's sobering. Consequently, nothing's shocking anymore to me. Friend X has another problem this week. His ex-gf who is now his roommate and still fuck buddy is now fucking his best friend AND his new female love interest, who is also fucking his best friend, and all this happened over the past few weeks of his best friend and he fucking his ex gf, his ex gf and her new gf fucking him simultaneously, and then of course all of them fucking together. On top of that, ALL of them fuck someone new at least once a week. These are the more normal, straight-forward relationships.
Well, i really think its just the part of the scene you are around because none of my friends are like that. lol! Drugs arent really a thing, sex isnt overblown, BDSM is celebrated but not to the point of it being in your face, people dont take themselves that seriously. If there are people who do take themselves very seriously, they usually get laughed at. Most of the back and forth is about fashion mostly and the music. No one i know is really that deviant. They have the core ideal of goth in mind. The mindset. Other than that and their fashion choices, they are pretty much just like everyone else. It sounds to me that your area has a problem that may not actually stem from goth in general.

Wut.Jeff with Slayer? LOL. I can't even imagine it. It's be like LeBron James signing a one year contract with a D League team.