El Stormo
I know, I know, I've never disputed that. But that doesn't mean it isn't very much a reality that it's better to have a band that ends on a high note than one who keeps releasing shit albums.Bands rarely know when they are off their peak. They are usually surrounded by yes men who value their job and will never speak honestly to them.
And I'd say serious tensions between members can be a way of realizing creativity is going to suffer.
Glenn Danzig, Rob Halford (Halford, but Fight too - they released very solid albums) Bruce Dickinson, King Diamond, Devin Townsend, but you're not counting solo artists... But yeah, Mustaine. I'd say Jason Newsted, but you can't really count him since Metallica was already big when he joined. Same reason you can't really count Tim Owens.Then there's the fact lightning rarely strikes twice. Can you think of anyone who left a successful band and started a new one that did just as well?
But there's Kai Hansen who left Helloween and started Gamma Ray. Same with Ralf Scheepers, who left Gamma Ray and started Primal Fear. Or Piet Sielck, who left Gamma Ray and started Iron Savior and is a major influence in Savage Circus.
Shit, that's a lot of Gamma Ray

Also Andy B. Franck, who started Symphorce after Ivanhoe. And then proceeded to turn Brainstorm into the band they are now. Jorn Lande, but I assume that also counts as a solo project? Roy Kahn went from Conception (criminally underrated band) to Kamelot. Chuck Shuldiner's Control Denied project certainly wasn't half bad. Dave Lombardo who went from Slayer to Grip Inc. (and back again). And then there's James Rivera, who's played in just about every fucking band in existence

Anyway, you're right of course, not trying to prove you wrong or anything. Was just wondering how much I could think of, off the top of my head