Now Watching (Film, DVDs, YouTube, etc...)

^I either hear it was awesome, or it totally sucked. Thing is I only hear it is awesome from the book readers fans, and that it sucked from people who just watched the movies, so I don't know what to believe. Anyways, I just watched 28 Weeks Later, it was amazing, I think I liked it more than 28 Days Later.
Watching my way through the Tomie DVD set i got a while ago. going slow though. Stupid fucked up days off

This is the Japanese thing about the girl who can't die and causes terrible things to happen right? Sounds interesting, how is it? Anyway, I just got finished with The End Of Evangelion.
Pathfinder: decent for what it is, an action movie, not amazing, but it doesnt suck either

Blades of Glory: funnier than talledaga nights, but nothing ferrell does will ever come close to Anchorman: the legend of Ron Burgundy

Apocalypto: high quality action flick, lots of blood, great sets, costumes, and cinematography