
^ what style of black metal does this band play and are they any good?

It's sort of a wintry Pagan black metal style. It's notable for using both clean vocals and black metal shrieks, somewhat comparable to the other bands that have the same vocalist, Aaskereia and Brocken Moon. This compilation only has one song by them, but they have an album called Isegrim. I think it's worth listening to.

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX)
Pink Floyd
Wish You Were Here
Progressive Rock
I wish I could say the same.

NP: Down - Nola
That could mean that either you haven't heard it yet or you are disappointed with it..

In case of the latter, give it time! Seriously, only after some 15-20 listens it started to click with me and now I really like it a lot. I was also a bit disappointed at first, I really had this 'more of the same' feeling and it didn't do a lot for me. And they indeed hardly do anything they haven't done before, but it's the quality of the material that improved, this is definitely their best album so far i.m.o., not a weak song to be found.