
Keep of Kalessin - Kolossus

Loving this album more and more.

I've just started getting into these guys, pretty much based on your advocation of them. :cool:

I'm listening to Crown of Kings right now. I've also heard The Black Uncharted, and The Rising Sign. I like every single song. Should I start with Armada first, since it came before Kolossus? Or should I go back to Through Times of War?

NP: Keep of Kalessin- Crown of Kings
Bishop of Hexen- Eyes Gaze To A Future Foreseen

I fuckin' love these guys, but I can find hardly anything about them anywhere. Nothing on Metal Observer, nothing on Wikipedia... fortunately I can listen to them on their myspace and on youtube. There's a little bit about them on Encyclopaedia Metallum, but that's it.
Made As The Stale Wine Of Wrath
Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
Black Metal