
House Of Heroes by Battlelore

Stfu btw, slowly I'm getting into Death metal, don't really know why most of you like it so much though.
Artefact - Menhir


Atefact - Antares - Son Of Solstice

Artefact - Onslaught

Artefact - Towers Of Equinox

I have Ruins and I fucking love it. How are their other releases?
Holy shit this is fucking awesome....

Artefact - Untitled Track

The theme song to Zelda starts playing, this track is amazing lol...epic as fuck

EDIT: Scratch that try multiple video game theme songs. put into one, but, Metal style. Pretty awesome track.
Why not? It's definitely one of the most original and masterful songs of the last century, and the band was also extremely talented and influential.
It was okay the first 2 times i heard it, now its just overplayed and annoying. I hate Queen anyway.

NP:Apostle of Solitude
not bad at all, i could see myself getting more into this
Nightwish - Dark Passion Play

IMO a good half of this album is surprisingly great, it's sad how the other half wasn't chucked out, and that the guitars don't do nearly as much as they used to.....they have no point half the time.. otherwise, it might have *almost* been my favorite by the band.