
Weighing Souls With Sand
The Angelic Process
Weighing Souls With Sand
Satanic Warmaster
Distant Blazing Eye
Black Metal Kommando/Gas Chamber

If you haven't yet heard it, I really really recommend Carelian Satanist Madness. It's definitely his best imho. Very melodic, structured and well written, with just the right amount of grimness. And the CD booklet layout is kickass. The song title "666" uses a special pictogram to denote it that looks like the buzzsaw in Zyklon's logo only the "blades" form the 3 6's. I dunno, I thought it was cooler than just writing 666 there.

And Macht & Ehre from that collection you're listening to has the funnest sounding solo in the world.
I haven't heard this yet but I will certainly check it out at some point.

And yeah, that solo is fucking ridiculous. Actually, the whole song is pretty funny itself. Hahah.