


First some killer raw satanic black metal aka The Lord Diabolus (Pre-Beherit), killer demo. Then over to one of my all time fav. christian metalcore albums from As I Lay Dying.


I like how you roll.
Unholy Ghost - "Torrential Reign"

totally Floridian.....and produced/engineered by Juan "Punchy" Gonzalez, the guy that gave Morbid Angel the sound on "Heretic". Its instantly recognizable, just like on Diabolic's "Vengeance Ascending"

this stuff is pretty good tho.... had to grow on me, cuz its fast and blazing and unrelenting. The production is also...ehhh.... very mid-rangey guitars w/ the clickity-clack of the metronome kick triggers, like the last Nile and Hate Eternal records.
You're kidding...right? Right?

Nope, I like the Suicide Silence. Their first album was far better though. Not a huge fan of their vocalist, but their sound is great. They just need to evolve some more now.

I like how you roll.

Yeah, guess im one of the few open minded guys in here:lol:


np: :worship: Don`t know how many times Ive been listening to this now, but I guess its impossible to get tired of it. Like any other Katatonia album for that matter.

This fucking rules...There japanese I thought this was gonna suck...It's actually way better than I though it would be. It's the japanese version of Rhapsody...only Female Fronted.
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