
Good album!!

Yeah. I was a bit sceptical at first, but after many spins I begin to like it almost as much as their other releases. Takes some time to get used to 15 brand new tracks when there are so many other good albums out now. But yeah, its a good album. I also liked that they got Strid to do vocals on some tracks.

np: Building An Empire Of Dust:kickass:

Nile - Kafir!

I'm not really into the new album just like a song here and there once in awhile.

You were praising that album just a couple of months along with the new Hypocrisy?

The new Nile really isn't all that good's not that it was a bad album, it's just that it was like listening to their first 3 albums..they went back to the old sound, whereas Annihilation and Ithyphallic sounded different from the old ones and I kind of liked the new direction they were heading towards! Too bad they went back to the same old formula again :(