

I can probably post a random picture and pass it off as an album, with the way some of these album covers look. I'm sure the music is good, but that album artwork is fucking awful.

Seriously, a ginger lesbian? Twice the underfrau in one package. Offensive.
The Celeste artwork is great and you're fucking faggots. However, I'm not a big fan of the music, I've only listened to few songs of the new album. It's well executed but just not my thing after all. If I was a fan I would want it on vinyl just for the artwork. And some of the earlier too.
Out of all their albums, Animale(s) is the weakest album art by far. Especially the gatefold.


The other albums where they used a young girl for the album art, were far superior.


The Celeste artwork is great and you're fucking faggots. However, I'm not a big fan of the music, I've only listened to few songs of the new album. It's well executed but just not my thing after all. If I was a fan I would want it on vinyl just for the artwork. And some of the earlier too.

You really think a sideways picture of a ginger is a good album cover for a Black Metal band?