
^^ That's a fantastic EP. I may like it better than their full length, but it's all high quality to me.

Yeah it was fucking sick. It took me a while to get into this band for some reason, but it's really awesome stuff.

I agreed that they could have used a better vocalist and his voice grates me sometimes, but it's still top shelf power metal. They're so good that even with a not great singer they're amazing.

EDIT: If anyone can listen to "I'm Alive" or "The Script For My Requiem" and not start either moshing or crying at the awesome, they're gay.
Why im playing it, or why im not sorry?

EDIT: I guess both answers will be the same. His music gets bashed practically everywhere, but I dont care, I love older MM. Grew up on this shit. Mechanical Animals and Antichrist Superstar will always be special to me and in my favorite albums of all time.
His music used to be great, and his live show was unlike any other. He is one hell of a performer, still is. Just his music has drastically gone in the toilet over the years, but Manson in his prime was the fucking shit.

(Inb4 people say he threw a puppy into the audience with the intent to have it harmed. Thats 100% BULLSHIT.)