
I just went on an hour long search for this freaking album. One that wasn't $30, that is. Finally found it on amazon and it will be mine soon. Excited.

Vemod - Venter Pa Stormene
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A 28 minute full-length. Ok.

I don't know this album or this band, but albums used to be much shorter on average than they are now and being within a few minutes of a half-hour in either direction wasn't really that unusual. I think that a lot of newer albums could benefit from being shorter than they are even though I also enjoy some that are fairly long.
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I don't know this album or this band, but albums used to be much shorter on average than they are now and being within a few minutes of a half-hour in either direction wasn't really that unusual. I think that a lot of newer albums could benefit from being shorter than they are even though I also enjoy some that are fairly long.

I'd go as far as to say most albums over 45 minutes are too long.

This album is sort of like if Flotsam & Jetsam and Voivod collaborated and found a mongoloid to front them. Some good songs.