
Sweet childhood memories - my favourite band way back then. I think I must have been 10 when I saw "Abba - The Movie" at the cinema. The only other music I liked about as much in my childhood was the one of Elvis Presley, perhaps a somewhat weird combination.

Not at all... I was raised on both and still enjoy.
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Well... I hate to say this, but as a full length this fucking sucks.

It's only 37 minutes long, which would be all fine and well... but 5 minutes of that are split between two instrumental tracks, another five minutes taken up by a cover of Live Like an Angel, Die Like a Devil... that leaves me with 3 tracks. Twelve Bells Toll in Salem is 13 minutes long and meanders an awfully long time. This World is Doomed and Spines of Saturn are good enough...

No where near worth the 14 euro it cost and I'm glad I bought more from Van so the order wasnt a complete fucking bust. Will not be buying another Dread Sovereign release again. Sucks really, traditional doom plus AA Nemtheanga should be a perfect combination for me but it just doesnt work.