

Been on a big Incantation kick lately. Finally seeing them live in February with Nile.

I haven't listened to much MDB since we did the album ranking. Good, somber background music while I finish semester grades and inform students that they cannot have an extension on due dates. :lol:

What subject do you teach? Do you teach in a high school? Perfect music for this type of work haha.
How do you find teaching online? It's a tedious enterprise in the end, especially after you've been working like that since March 2020...

I applied for a position at an online school that existed before everyone else went online during the pandemic. The local school district is fucked though, at the last minute in the summer they decided anyone who wanted to continue online learning had to do it with the online school that hired me. Enrollment went from 400 last year to over 8000 this year because they were not allowed to turn anyone away.

I ended up with four classes and about 270 total students. I like that I have autonomy to set the schedule of my live meets but sadly the purpose and standards of the school were tossed out the window when they let in anyone who wanted online learning. Only about 1/3 of the students actually do the assignments, and I am not sure how I would keep up with grading if participation was higher. The school used to cater to motivated students who had the skills to complete assignments independently and teachers hosted one live meet/lesson a week to check in with students. Due to an overwhelming amount of students with special needs who have enrolled we have to offer three live lessons a week, but get this, attending live lessons is optional!:lol: Student abilities range from gifted and talented all the way down to illiterate. In the past the school used to strongly encourage/force students who did not perform well back to their face-to-face school, but they are not being as assertive with that this year for some reason.

It is not perfect, and while I wish student participation was higher, I still enjoy it. I work from home five days a week and get to have my two laps dogs as my teaching-assistants.:headbang: Mondays and Fridays I don't have live meets and can focus on all the tedious tasks like verifying attendance, grades, parent contacts, lesson plans, and meetings. I probably would have resigned from the profession if I was in the classroom with students this year. The stories I hear from colleagues make me realize I ended up in a fantastic spot to ride out teaching during covid madness.
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