

This is especially refreshing after Waking The Cadaver caused me to spontaneously nap earlier. I gave those guys a chance with their new full length and it's plainly and absolutely horrible. Ancient Necropsy, on the other hand, are really fun and talented.

This is especially refreshing after Waking The Cadaver caused me to spontaneously nap earlier. I gave those guys a chance with their new full length and it's plainly and absolutely horrible. Ancient Necropsy, on the other hand, are really fun and talented.

WTC isn't THAT bad...I haven't heard the new album in full though. You should check out all the other AN stuff cuz Ivan is awesome. Slam-Minded should have some Ancient Necropsy coverage in the near future after he gets back from tour...his label contacted us to tell us to set up an interview, and Nick'll probably review the album...Mutilated Rec. is sending him a promo. Sweetness.
WTC isn't THAT bad...I haven't heard the new album in full though. You should check out all the other AN stuff cuz Ivan is awesome. Slam-Minded should have some Ancient Necropsy coverage in the near future after he gets back from tour...his label contacted us to tell us to set up an interview, and Nick'll probably review the album...Mutilated Rec. is sending him a promo. Sweetness.

I'll check out the rest of their discography in the future. They have a pretty nice label. With my Apocalyptic Empire order they sent me a free copy of Torn Apart's Craving Pale Flesh EP. Also, yes, WTC is that bad. They're very boring and in the world of death metal they come off as a fish out of water.