NRL stupidity


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Is anyone else getting sick of the bullshit with the NRL of late? Allegations of obscene phone calls, drunken behaviour, sexist carryings-on, blah blah blah. Can anyone else here say "What's the big deal?" These are fit, healthy young men in their 20s and 30s, acting like fit, healthy young men in their 20s and 30s. If they were musicians, no one would be surprised, but because they're "athletes", they're supposed to be setting some kind of example. Get over it. Now I'm not condoning some of these guys' behavious with regards to women, but why are we making such a big deal about some young blokes getting drunk and being kicked out of places? If they weren't footballers, it wouldn't even make the news.
Its because of the rape allegations over the last few years.

But IMO they are getting put on a pedestal that they footballers have never before had to cope with, they gotta learn to do it down the local like they did in the 80's heyday of footy
They are obviously idiots. They arent footballers because they dropped out of medical school after all. Even after all the negative publicity, they still go out and get drunk and do stupid things, that just goes to show you how genuinely dumb some of them are.

They need to start deregistering players, that will smarten them up real quick. I have no sympathy for any of them, I hope they all get sacked from their clubs and have to go work at a garbage dump or something for minimum wage.
Well yes spawny I suppose you have a point. As professionals they are basically employees of their club and they are representing not only their clubs but club and personal sponsors, among other things, so in that respect it's a lot different from a musician. I guess I hadn't thought of that until now.
But even as a musician, if we went over to Germany for instance and made total fucktards of ourselves while we're there promoting Australian metal (and let's face it, any Aus band that goes overseas basically is, whether they actively plug the home scene or not), we'd get THE ass-kicking when we got home from everyone else, and quite rightly so!
That's what I like to see at a junior fundraiser!

If I did what those players have done, and my work found out about it, I'd be out on my arse. Having said that, Gasnier's fine was a bit Rodney Marsh.
Anyone remember the player manager who took some junior country rugby league players to a brothel? Never did hear much about that afterwards.