That is the worst attempt at slandering NSBM, ever.

What? I wasn't attempting to slander anything. It's not a real genre, just a group of bands from all over the world who act in cooperation and have certain political/social motives. I don't see how a new genre of music is necessitated by that.

But here are some good/great bands commonly called NSBM:

Gontyna Kry
Ad Hominem

Satanic Warmaster is not necessarily NS either. I'm pretty sure he just doesn't like Jewish people, which doesn't automatically make you NS (though it makes you racist/stupid).
Wanting recommendations of NSBM bands is pointless, unless you actually care about the lyrical themes. There are NSBM bands that play the entire range of styles within the BM genre.
Nice intentional fallacy.

The best NSBM bands are obviously these:

Hate Forest
Nokturnal Mortum
Gontyna Kry
Anyhow, Nocturnal Mortem play NSBM, and there's some NSBM band called Pantheon (I know this because I started a band under that name and had to change it because I discovered there was such a group)
well, if hate forest is actually NSBM then they get my vote because they are one of my favorite bands. too bad they are done recording, though. i would think that would make drudkh and blood of kingu NSBM, too. why not? i don't get it, it's the same guy
Anyhow, Nocturnal Mortem play NSBM, and there's some NSBM band called Pantheon (I know this because I started a band under that name and had to change it because I discovered there was such a group)

You know about Pantheon? That "band" is from Tucson, where I live. Actually, I think the main guy in Pantheon is Mexican, so he's a total poser. At least that's what I've heard from people here in town.
well, if hate forest is actually NSBM then they get my vote because they are one of my favorite bands. too bad they are done recording, though. i would think that would make drudkh and blood of kingu NSBM, too. why not? i don't get it, it's the same guy

It's very simple, actually. The people in the band are not the band. In other words, just because a band member believes something does not mean that it is representative of a band. For example, a band may be made up entirely of Christians, even evangelicals who are very outspoken about their beliefs, but that doesn't in any way automatically make their music Christian.