Nubela Dreams


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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What divine tides washed you ashore?
What heavenly stars inhabit your eyes?
A brush of night that swept up and stained your hair
Flowing night shards of a broken obsedian mirror
The skin of a cedar tree kissed by the sun
Indeed you were sent down to save me
From far beyond nebula galleries
And star-strung sketches of earthy things
I hesitate at your exsistence
In fear you are nothing more than an illustion of pain
Sent down to destroy me
So I await the alignment of our stars to speak
Tell me what futures lay in wait for us
A gathering of molten cherry streaks
Or endless lack of sorrows; bed of roses
Ever flowing swift river of desires
Now I embrace my Angel of Shadows, my Dark Star
And let the world drown in the moment
What use is it to us? We own the universe
Misty streams of loose creamy jewels hide us
Shrouding us from frail threats of mortality
lol! I never said I was an English major:lol: I know I have mistakes in nearly every one of my poems. As long as you understand, or at least can figure out, what I'm saying, then it's fine with me:) Yes, nebula is what I ment...thanks for the correction:)