Nuclear Blast Anti-American?


New Metal Member
Jan 6, 2010
I've posted something like this before... without calling Nuclear Blast
Anti-Americans...but... A couple of months after Symphony X signed up with Nuclear Blast, I complained how the Nuclear Blast USA website was horrible and shared almost no information about Symphony X. Well its been over a year since I have posted I believe and the Symphony X Nuclear Blast USA website STILL hasn't been updated with any information at all. No discography information has been posted. No way to buy CDs or merch. The only piece of information about Symphony X is a copy and pasted Bio.

It's not that hard to find album covers and posting them on the website with track information at the least. They don't even have a text list of albums.

I'm starting to think the Nuclear Blast was the wrong direction for Symphony X. I feel Symphony X is being neglected by the label.

If you compare the German website vs the USA website there's a HUGE difference.

People stated in my other complaint that Nuclear Blast just needed time to complete it. It's been long enough. Symphony X needs to put Nuclear Blast on the hot seat. Get a little promotion going on here on the NBUSA website.

I can't find Symphony X merch anywhere. I want to buy but I can't find.
Dude, NB is a German label. OF COURSE it will be more complete in their native language for their local demographic. You might as well be bitching that Symphony X albums haven't been translated into Hindi fast enough.

murat, srsly though Savatage and Threshold aren't the best examples of bands with their acts together though.
Hey Ken, what's wrong with either Savatage or Threshold?

I'm really glad Zero Hour didn't sign to NB, as I doubt they would do anything more or better for them than the very small but great Sensory.
As an european, I'm quite happy that SX is on nuclear blast now. I might actually be able to buy the new album on release date from an actual record store and SX will get more visibility here with the cd's in shelves.

PL was webstore only. :(