number 666

I find it funny in the first website when it says when you add such and such numbers you get "the number of the beast" and "the number of the beast blah blah blah this..." tee hee it amused me for some reason...
MagSec4 said:
Very interesting.. I actually looked through all that shit.
Interesting yet somewhat ridiculous in their arguments.

:lol: I did not see that one coming.

Nor this...

2. When you make purchases on WWW and use your MC (MasterCard) or VISA card, you are invoking Satan and the Beast. Find the unique solutions to these alpha-numeric equations and you should be convinced.



shit, you want me to puke?. People who make such researches must be really crazy or have no better things to do. What the fuck is so interesting about analysing all possible ways to get 666, its fuckin useless, its the number of the beast and thats it! the funniest thing is that all those tr00 shitheads who dont believe in god worship the number made up by some stoned prophet... there is nothing special about this number and whole that numerology is fuckin bullshit.

sorry for my bitching but I spend 4 hours listening to similar shits at school... :)
here's one i thought up @ school the other day:

some people say that the number of god is 777. And the difference between 777 and 666 is 111.
Now, 111 is 1 sixth of 666. So if you make some adjustments with the algarisms, you get
1/6; 1/6 and 1/6.

So, what the devil actually needs to achieve his goal of being god, is actually being the opposite of what he is, so denying the own existence of his self, and proving that the devil will never be god.

so, the great epifany that i had was: geography class is DAMN boring and i need to cut the crack down a little bit
:lol: :p
LMAO! :lol:

See what i rekon is funny. If christians say satan is gonna destroy the world. then why the fuck dont we all worship satan, so he isn't angry and then if we all basically (metaphorically) such his nuts so he thinks "these people rule, fuck killing them".

Lol. Stanism/christianity/organized religion is gay.
@NeedledWarheart:christians believe that GOD will destroy the world, not Satan... but who cares since none of them exists for real