NYC Irving Plaza 1/19/03 Review - long

Well said Dark One, well said.

And I thought my review gave at least *some* indication that the crowd was completely into it. I was all the way in the back, just out from under the balcony (for optimal audio), and even back there everyone was rocking.

So the comment re: "only 20 or so HARD CORE die hard" is kind of silly, though I'm guessing it was made in jest. I really hate the "I'm more metal than you" type comments, ESPECIALLY coming from Opeth fans, lol. Ah well. Cheers.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
I swear to god, it was like there were only 20 or so HARD CORE die hard fans there, and we were ALL situated in the front left of the stage. We were all yelling and screaming, singing, growling, having fun, you know high fiving eachother, turning on the lighters in appropriate times...The rest of the crowd just stood there pretty much LIFELESS, especially the twits on the balconies. All us dudes in the front got there, foze our ass off for 5 hrs, and went nuts the whole show. \m/ :grin:
I think I was right behind you pretty were the one high fiving that other guy at parts of extreme amazingness, right? Who was the other guy?