
Really, it had nothing to do with the endless repacking of mortgages into securities which major financial institutions (who were allowed to overleverage themselves) invested in like a Ponzi scheme?

Come on. We all know it was the poor minorities that got us into this financial mess. Once again the American people are screwed by big poverty.
"I want the world with no nuclear weapons," said Barack Obama in his Prague speech.
And a friend of mine commented: "It's like he'd say that he wanted to have two dicks. This is just as likely to happen."
Really, it had nothing to do with the endless repacking of mortgages into securities which major financial institutions (who were allowed to overleverage themselves) invested in like a Ponzi scheme?

Repacking of volatile mortgages made to people they knew wouldn't be able to pay them off..repackage them and ship em off as securities, etc etc.

The fact is the gov offered incentives to lenders to lend to everyone. The idea was not that you have to work hard, be smart, make sound decisions, and EARN your fucking house (and wages) but that everyone is entitled to the same thing "American dream."

Life isn't fair, we aren't created equal. The thing is though, everyone, no matter race/sex/religion is afforded the opportunity to create a better life for themselves, not by the governments hand.

I think Ben Franklin said, the best way to end poverty, is to make the poor feel uncomfortable being poor.
Repacking of volatile mortgages made to people they knew wouldn't be able to pay them off..repackage them and ship em off as securities, etc etc.

Fuckin A, man. I read an article about the industry of BAD debt recently, how credit card companies intentionally get a certain about of losers into debt to fuel the debt management companies, insurance, collection agencies, credit rating firms, and of course, debt securities repackaging schemes. "Its not just failing mortgages anymore, everyone's getting into bad debt."

The fact is the gov offered incentives to lenders to lend to everyone. The idea was not that you have to work hard, be smart, make sound decisions, and EARN your fucking house (and wages) but that everyone is entitled to the same thing "American dream."

Yeah, to blame George W for the meltdown, a Newsweek article (I think) quote him as saying "We gotta get everyone their own house. We gotta get the banks to loan to more people." Seems like everyone was in on this impossible fraud.

Life isn't fair, we aren't created equal. The thing is though, everyone, no matter race/sex/religion is afforded the opportunity to create a better life for themselves, not by the governments hand.

That used to be the case, maybe a year ago. But today is the age of Barack Hussein. Its a completely different world, ya know. Now there's the three AIG execs who're the haves, and the 299,999,997 of the rest of us who're the haven't got a rusty pail to piss in's.

I think Ben Franklin said, the best way to end poverty, is to make the poor feel uncomfortable being poor.

I think it was Charlee Z on the corner of Fillmore Ave. who said, "I need all the goddamn muthafuckin money ta pay off my phat rims, yo!"
Oh shut the fuck up already. I had to deal with 8 years of Bush is Hitler nonsense and now you conservative shits are going to whine just as much as liberals. "WAAAAAA EVERY POLITICIAN I DISAGREE WITH IS HITLER. WAAAAAAA"
Its only fair for conservitives to do the same thing the liberal hippys did. After all this is the way of america =/