O/D Saxon my Space Page


The Beast
Aug 30, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
O/D Saxon have a new my space page. This piece of shit is very, very funny. Check out the syntax errors in the band description section! I love the "Skelator" band photo! (I immediately wondered why there are (5) guys listed as being in the band and the "Skelator" photo only shows (3) guys.....do think the other (2) were too embarrassed to be included???)

I also love the fact they have (1) fried and it is Steve Dawson! What about the other (4) guys? They can't eve be bothered to be "Friends" with their own band.

The music is great too! Check out One Sour Kraut. What a piece of shit that is. I love the sound effects of stukka dive bombers and machine guns in the back ground! One Sour Kraut = Hitler...get it!!!!!! Genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

liama said:
Dude...put the pint down and listen to it again...it sucks dog cunt!:Puke:

I won't say something is shit just for the sake of saying it, even if it is O/D! I listened to it a couple of times and I thought it was quite catchy, but please don't make me listen to it again just to be sure!

The second song, now that WAS shit! Fortunately the other two songs wouldn't play!
Ive never heard OD saxon but im curious. Why all the hatred? Its 2 original members playing old saxon songs are they really awful or is it just loyalty to Biff who has always been regarded as the leader and therefor the face and person who most represents Saxon.
I think a lot it stems from the legal battle over the saxon name.Also the fact that most what O/D Saxon so far have only recorded pretty poor sub standered metal.I just listening to the stuff at the moment it just dont get me going.But when it come s to music i am very hard to please.
FredB said:
Ive never heard OD saxon but im curious. Why all the hatred? Its 2 original members playing old saxon songs are they really awful or is it just loyalty to Biff who has always been regarded as the leader and therefor the face and person who most represents Saxon.

It all boils down to one simple fact..

O/D blows goats..


'E it ain't no puke!!!!!!!