O, How I Enjoy The Light.


Jul 15, 2005
Even though it's not a Jonas-work, does anyone have any intepretation of the lyrics? I'm trying to work out some meaning from them, but they're just too cryptic.
Yeah pretty cryptic stuff "a polar bear has breached a pup" euh?
But definatly a beautiful song!
I dont even want to know what its about .. Like to give my own interpretation.
I dont even try to really make a story out of it but I just have certain visions and it makes me feel a certain way ... wich I can't really explain ..
but that's what I like about that kind of songs...
I know what you mean...I sent the lyrics to my girlfriend...I don't know why, but it just sounds like the way I feel about her :p
VampiricYouth said:
I know what you mean...I sent the lyrics to my girlfriend...I don't know why, but it just sounds like the way I feel about her :p
Sorry, but what about lines: "...we walk hand in hand, o, how I despise it..." - did she really like it? And "I will love you forever. And if I don't? If I do?" - sort of doubt, don't you think? I think it's not about love and romance, it's about devorce and break up.
Maybe.. if you take the lyrics literally but if you have a different feeling with it... why say it is wrong? everyone has his own version in his mind...
I don't think there is 1 "good" interpretation :)
It's true, but sure there is a "right" meaning of the song, and only the author know it. So we should just ask, he-he. By the way, anyone heard an orginal of it? Couldn't find it... And I can explain why I think that this song is sad and it's about a break up: Jonas have very sad voice and he is like crying and moaning, but in the end he become more solid, because is still thinking that everything can return. It's like a remebrence he is describing to us. This is my version about what is Katatonia seeing in this lyrics.
Sorry, a little out of thread question. I know, that there is only two covers by Katatonia: this one and Nightmares by the Sea. Am I wrong? Maybe there is others...
I don't think it's about a break up. I think it's about feelings that will always remain between two people. When there is trouble in a relationship, those feelings of light that each partner gives the other will be what lifts things back up.
Fahrenheit said:
And "I will love you forever. And if I don't? If I do?" - sort of doubt, don't you think? I think it's not about love and romance, it's about devorce and break up.

That's only a part of an "image" - those words end with the most important -"the difference exists in a fiction"...
Very deep and wise vision about the "eternal" feeling.