O, Majestic Winter - Experimental Unblack Metal


New Metal Member
Jan 11, 2009
Sullen Records is pleased to announce the signing of Tennessee based O, Majestic Winter.

Gorlim and Mormegil began their music careers while they were in high school in a Christian hardcore band called Seventimesfallen. After a few years of writing songs, the band parted ways because of differences. The guys began to dream of a black metal project that would reflect their love of God and winter. However, schedule conflicts and lack of proper means prevented them from bringing their idea to fruition. But in the beginning of winter 2008, Gorlim and Mormegil joined forces again and formed O, Majestic Winter. They are now hard at work writing songs and getting enough material for their first release for Sullen Records. They play furious black metal inspired by folk metal, death metal, and many other genres. They transcend boundaries and keep the listener guessing. Christ is at the heart of all that they do and they wish for everyone to know His love.

Look for the debut album from O, Majestic Winter in February 2009 on Sullen Records.

O, Majestic Winter on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/winterslamentmusic