Unblack metal

Hey:) It was a good post, in fact this is a good topic. Christians yes, the true ones do employ fear tactics eg if you arent Christened you will go to hell or such like and they do prey on the weak or people in need to swell their numbers, but you have to look on it with pity not anger, its just a form of brainwashing like anything else, and as long as they enjoy and keep it to themselves its fine, its just when it encrouches on other peoples lives or they try and force it at you it gets a bit much. The thing is I guess to accept people have different beliefs for one reason or another(a lot of people turn to religion after a personal tragedy or bad life experience, maybe for comfort and they are vunerable at the time) and what you see and hear especially in the media is often magnified and distorted. People need to be true to themselves and when they are they can accept other peoples opinions without anger knowing they are not trying to convert them or take them in to some silly religion or cult. I know someone who is a Jehovas Witness and she knows she will never convert me to her way of thinking but we can still communicate. As far as Im concerned their religion is utter nonsense, totally illogical, but we can still talk. Back to music, it has to have feeling behind it, and we are just mere mortals with opinions and thoughts, we are unique so we will never agree on everything, if we did it would be a strange world :)

I agree, and that's exactly what Black Metal was supposed to be when Euronymous first began putting Mayhem together. If you notice many of the lyrics inherent in Black Metal songs have to do with the mythologies inherent in ancient theologies. Jormungand, Thor, Odin, Set, Ra, Kahli, these all come into play in various Black Metal albums and it is only the oppressive doctrine of the church Christendom to which they proclaim war against, not the belief structure. Those are the good black metal bands, anyway, not the insta-goth fags riding the coat tails of the Satanic movement, trying to get a quick sign to Metal Blade by exploiting a provocative idiom.
It's tough for Black Metal because these points are true. But sometimes the heavier the music gets, the more evil the band wants their image, the more the world gets knock off US "Black Metal" acts with titles like "Necronomical Incantation: Slaughter for Sathan", the worse real black metal looks. Don't know if that line of events made grammatical sense, but still. 99% of the leaked shit I see that is "black metal" contains some ridiculous satanic title and sucks major satanic cock. Man this post didn't really contribute anything, but this has been bugging me for the past year.
It's tough for Black Metal because these points are true. But sometimes the heavier the music gets, the more evil the band wants their image, the more the world gets knock off US "Black Metal" acts with titles like "Necronomical Incantation: Slaughter for Sathan", the worse real black metal looks. Don't know if that line of events made grammatical sense, but still. 99% of the leaked shit I see that is "black metal" contains some ridiculous satanic title and sucks major satanic cock. Man this post didn't really contribute anything, but this has been bugging me for the past year.

Well its good to get things off your chest so to speak, and I dare say a lot that listen to songs with titles like you suggest or worse, would probably run a mile if "Satan" really did appear or would need counselling if some dead body or whatever appeared in a graveyard somewhere dressed in a Cradle of Filth Tshirt:lol:
Bumping this thread because I have just entered into an interesting quandary. I have a huge soft spot for weird,crazy, and/or avant-garde stuff, and naturally when I heard that Believer was getting back together and releasing an album through Metal Blade, I decided to check them out.

My initial stance was that I don't care about the lyrical content of any band. I'll listen to NSBM or satanic stuff (hell my username is from a Dissection song) and even some islamic stuff like Jedi Mind Tricks. The reason for this is because though I might disagree with the opinion, I feel that the art will always transcend the artist, and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts in these cases.

HOWEVER, I get turned off so fucking fast when I hear something with blatant Christian lyrics, like Believer. I'm not talking about lyrical subtleties like Alethian or Orphaned Land... but straight up Judeo-Christian preaching in music drives me fucking crazy. To me, metal is about contrarianism, not conformity, and even though I'm not a lyrics guy, I do not want to hear some dude try to preach his Christian bullshit. I'm an atheist/anti-religionist but I'll be the first to expect "HAAAAIL SAAATAN" in my metal because it is awesome. "Pagan" mythology in my metal is also awesome, because once again, it is contrarianist and anti-conformist. Why any Christian would hold the opinion that his or her annoying ass beliefs that half the world spends its time trying to preach to me already should also be injected into their music as well is beyond me.
HOWEVER, I get turned off so fucking fast when I hear something with blatant Christian lyrics, like Believer.

I'm definitely not a fan of White metal either & I can only shake my head when some fans claim it to be black metal. Having said that, I can not argue with mixing certain aspects of certain genres. There is no problem with that & Christians can go knock themselves out. But the lyrics do matter to me so I won't be listening to it.
Oh dude, some of my best friends are Christians. They're people too and they're certainly entitled to their beliefs. I'm just not going to listen to their music if they get up on a pedestal and preach their shit. Now some "Christian" bands use religious subtleties in their lyrics or use lyrics in a biblical perspective and that can be kind of cool. But, I don't want to hear arguments for why atheism is wrong and how there has to be a god and how Jesus is the way etc in my music. I'd rather listen to someone preach Satanism or Asatru or Buddhism or Shintoism etc in metal because the simple nature of doing so goes against the grain and that to me is awesome. And for your Christians that are offended by my position, consider this: how come no metal bands sing about being wealthy? Even the bands that are actually wealthy downplay it. Hmmm..
Oh and as far as "white metal" goes... well I wasn't really talking about that but rather bringing up the idea of Christianity in metal in general but I think it's a dumbass genre title. A musical genre should not be determined by lyrical content as many have stated. "Pagan metal" and "viking metal" are fake genres as well and I facepalm every time someone uses either or.
Nonconformity is in right now. Besides, to me metal is more about being true to yourself than being against the grain for its own sake.

But then again, while lyrics really don't mean a thing to me if they're bad, and they're just icing on the cake if they're good, there generally is somewhat of a correlation between music and lyrics, and I can't imagine that music that would go to preachy lyrics would suit me in most cases.
Nonconformity is in right now. Besides, to me metal is more about being true to yourself than being against the grain for its own sake.

But then again, while lyrics really don't mean a thing to me if they're bad, and they're just icing on the cake if they're good, there generally is somewhat of a correlation between music and lyrics, and I can't imagine that music that would go to preachy lyrics would suit me in most cases.

Ahh dude, that's all debatable.

When was it never not "in"? What legendary metal bands sing about being middle/upper class dudes who drove expensive cars of live comfortably in a nice house with a wife and kids etc? None, because the scene doesn't want to hear it. And that might sound superficial to you for sure, but that's just how it is. It's always been about being as extreme as possible, or escapism, or contrarianist/nonconformist. Alot of punk and old school hip hop is famous for this mindset as well (well... not escapism though). The "be true to yourself" is more of a hardcore mindset. And don't get me wrong, I'm not dogging hardcore either because there's plenty of it that I dig.

As for your last comment about lyrics being the icing on the cake... I feel the same way too as I stated. It's just.. for some reason I get so turned off by hearing Christian preaching in the lyrics, to me it's everything that goes against metal. Oh well haha :lol:.

Eh, won't argue with your opinion.

Just to clarify, I don't consider it as Black metal not just because of the lyrics, but because this pro christian idea is so against the values that Black metal was built on. Both genres have such different mentalities & views, that I simply can not consider them as just black metal. Maybe to you, what differentiates genres are the vocal & instrumental styles etc... but the lyrics & values of the band can be important too. Especially concerning a genre that was based around the anti christian sentiment.
No no no, it's all good dude. I am not trying to start a flamewar with this thread, just inciting some fun discussion is all.

Anyways I know full well what the values of the OG black metal bands were. However, none of the newer generation of bm bands embrace that opinion. In fact, and as a friend of mine pointed out, technically you can argue that bands like Dimmu Borgir, Cradle Of Filth, and Satyricon are the new "true" bm because they are riding trends and making money while everyone else is trying to be grym and necro even though that attitude doesn't maintain the same value it had in 1991. With that said, I'm personally into some of the depressive, "post-black" bands like Shining and Bergraven, and also weird experimental stuff like Deathspell Omega. heh