New Metal Member
HeyIt was a good post, in fact this is a good topic. Christians yes, the true ones do employ fear tactics eg if you arent Christened you will go to hell or such like and they do prey on the weak or people in need to swell their numbers, but you have to look on it with pity not anger, its just a form of brainwashing like anything else, and as long as they enjoy and keep it to themselves its fine, its just when it encrouches on other peoples lives or they try and force it at you it gets a bit much. The thing is I guess to accept people have different beliefs for one reason or another(a lot of people turn to religion after a personal tragedy or bad life experience, maybe for comfort and they are vunerable at the time) and what you see and hear especially in the media is often magnified and distorted. People need to be true to themselves and when they are they can accept other peoples opinions without anger knowing they are not trying to convert them or take them in to some silly religion or cult. I know someone who is a Jehovas Witness and she knows she will never convert me to her way of thinking but we can still communicate. As far as Im concerned their religion is utter nonsense, totally illogical, but we can still talk. Back to music, it has to have feeling behind it, and we are just mere mortals with opinions and thoughts, we are unique so we will never agree on everything, if we did it would be a strange world
I agree, and that's exactly what Black Metal was supposed to be when Euronymous first began putting Mayhem together. If you notice many of the lyrics inherent in Black Metal songs have to do with the mythologies inherent in ancient theologies. Jormungand, Thor, Odin, Set, Ra, Kahli, these all come into play in various Black Metal albums and it is only the oppressive doctrine of the church Christendom to which they proclaim war against, not the belief structure. Those are the good black metal bands, anyway, not the insta-goth fags riding the coat tails of the Satanic movement, trying to get a quick sign to Metal Blade by exploiting a provocative idiom.