O/T: Britney finally admits it.

My mom in law said that Lil Greg did the same thing, but w/ a six year old. He beat his ass for kissing his friend Lacy. 4 year old whippin a 6 year olds ass....I knew wwe would come in handy.

(primal grunting) augh! augh! augh! augh!
What's funny is that Joey's only 2. They were on this playground that had this little bridge/slide on it and on one side of that was this Humpty Dumpty thing that they could climb on. So this older kid sits on it and every time anyone tries to get up he would scream "NO! It's my egg!!" Then Joey ran up to him and hugged him (caught him off guard) and then tried shoving him off at the same time. The kid started pushing on Joey's head and Joey yelled "No!" every time he did it. After a few shouts of that, the kid backed away and slunk off to some other part of the playground (or back to his mama, I would think). Joey stood there til a little girl that the kid had yelled at got on the egg, and then walked away. The older kid never came back near the egg while Joey was on the playground. I was so proud.
Anal sex is one of those things that you should try (with a women). I used to thing that having anal sex meant that you might as well be a fag. But my ex was into it, so I gave it a shot, and I like it...
ThraxDude said:
Anal sex is one of those things that you should try (with a women). I used to thing that having anal sex meant that you might as well be a fag. But my ex was into it, so I gave it a shot, and I like it...

On Loveline once, I heard Adam say if a guy has anal sex with a guy he's really gay, but if he has anal sex with a chick, he's really straight.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
On Loveline once, I heard Adam say if a guy has anal sex with a guy he's really gay, but if he has anal sex with a chick, he's really straight.

There you go! I love Adam Corolla.
ThraxDude said:
Anal sex is one of those things that you should try (with a women). I used to thing that having anal sex meant that you might as well be a fag. But my ex was into it, so I gave it a shot, and I like it...

I sir, am a veteran of said carnal act. W/ a chick of course.

And Adam is the shit. His words of wisdom shall ring true for eons to come.....

nice little full house referance there.......
From what I understand, Lil greg just got into an all out fight w/ this bigger kid who was pawing all over this little girl named lacy. anyhow this bigger kid kept pushing him and hitting him...he took like 5 minutes of it and then screamed "stop making me angry, I don't like me when I'm angry!"
(he's seen the HULK about 50 times)
Anyway he finally yelled out " I'm angry now!" and punched the bigger kid in the gut. Dropped him. My mom in law said she just grabbed greg from the playground and hauled ass b/f that kids mom came and sued.

Hey, kids have to stick up for themselves.