O/T Hatebreed & Damageplan Last Night


May 26, 2003
Anytown, USA
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Saw Hatebreed and Damageplan last night in Des Moines. Hatebreed kicked ass. They should have been the headliners. They got the place going crazy & it actually seemed like they had more fans there watching them than Damageplan did. I'm definitely going to try to catch Hatebreed every time they come through. Jamey Jasta was really cool to the fans, even reciting the names of the smaller bars they played in when they've come through Des Moines before. Wish I could go see them on Ozzfest. An Anthrax/Hatebreed bill would kick serious ass!

Damageplan was another story. I went into the show expecting Hatebreed to be the highlight, which they were, but I was really disappointed by Damageplan. First off, they had some problems with the mic/monitor, then the singer was whining for half the night about the crowd not being into it. It seemed like all he did the whole show was stand with one foot on the monitor and scream into the mic. When a chick crowd surfed up to the front, he made sure to shake her hand or touch her. They played Walk & A New Level at the end and to me it seemed like the band played those two songs with a lot more emotion than they did the whole rest of the set combined. I'm sure it had something to do with the crowd being more into it, as those songs were great, but the Pantera/DP fans that were there didn't really seem into the DP material.

Anyway, a big difference in the two frontmen. One was practically kissing the crowds ass thanking us for coming out, the other bitched the whole night and made it sound like it was a damn privilege for us to pay money to watch them play.
There's my rant for the night.
i suppose hatebreed have the advantage of being an established band that no one has got any high expectations,on the other hand pantera fans would be very hard to please,i think damageplan will take time to find there feet,apparently damageplan will be opening for slayer all across europe so hopefully they can stand on there own feet by then.
They had better find their footing prior to opening for Slayer, that shit can get down right fucking brutal especially if you are fucking up.
mrthrax said:
i suppose hatebreed have the advantage of being an established band that no one has got any high expectations,

There seemed to be a lot of Hatebreed fans there, so I think they probably all had high expectations for them, I know I did. Probably more Hatebreed fans than DP/Pantera fans.
Hatebreed opened for Slayer last year on the Jager tour and kicked all ass!!

They were great! Not as great as Slayer, but great. I'll see them at Ozzfest, but they are not headlining the second stage. Slipknot is instead.

Jamey Josta seems really cool. He's so different singing than he is on Headbanger's Ball.
CyThrax said:
There seemed to be a lot of Hatebreed fans there, so I think they probably all had high expectations for them, I know I did. Probably more Hatebreed fans than DP/Pantera fans.
the point i was making is that hatebreed has been around for a while and that they are not a new band,pantera were one of the biggest metal bands on the planet and u cant say people arent dirty on what happened tp pantera,for them to start again would be fucking tough,i like the damageplan debut,i think