O/T Have I got issues?


Utopian Blaster
Oct 6, 2005
The Fens
Sorry about the somewhat misleading topic title, I'm sure most of you would agree that I have.

The basic question is a response to a friend who thinks Im weird because I can't stand to have copied CDs in my collection, and even MP3's (unless I can't physically buy a CD because it was never released on CD) makes me uneasy. The way he sees it, having stuff on MP3 is fine and dandy, as he buys the merch at shows etc but....

Well, I don't wanna come off as the ultimate avenger, because hell, I love listening to live bootlegs as much as the next guy, but for me, if someone burns me a cd and I like it, I always buy it, because I can't stand to have a copy nestling in between all of my lovely original CDs.

So am I fucking retard or what ? I'm starting to think that my mania for original music is starting to become an obsession...
No..... If i like something i will buy it.. example....I got both Exodus CD before they were released..... but i wanted the orignal artwork...... so no .... I feel your pain.....
Your perfectly normal, Carcassian. I will burn a cd if I am unsure of the band. If it turns out that I like them then I will go out and buy the real cd. Plus burnt cds always seem to scratch and skip easily.
This is going to turn into a bloodbath, I'm sure of it...

FTR, I'm with you Carcassian. I have no problems with MP3s/other lossy formats provided they're either a) for your own use, i.e. an iPod or something, or b) are used to check out a band before buying.

I D/L songs/samples all the time, since I just can't afford to 'blind buy' very often anymore. But if I like something that I've sampled, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm going to buy it. Anyone who ONLY downloads and doesn't buy the records is a fucknut and can fellate a shotgun IMO.
It should be legal to download music to sample it properly. If more original recordings get sold because people want them after trying the mp3 versions then the royalties problem is solved!
Arg_Hamster said:
I´m with you on this one Carcassian. If I like a CD, I wan´t my own "real" copy.

Yeah, I'll usually but a store copy as well as the online purchase if I really like the music.

All the major music stores should provide better listening areas. I mean, fuck, at 13-20 bucks for a CD, I want to make sure I'm going to like it. If I buy a shirt I can return it if it doesn't fit, or if I just don't like it once I get it home. Since that's not possible with a CD, there should be some up front insurance.

Most listening areas provide 30 seconds of a song in the middle of the store with some disgusting headphones full of ear grease...and half the time they don't work properly.
schenkadere said:
Yeah, I'll usually but a store copy as well as the online purchase if I really like the music.

All the major music stores should provide better listening areas. I mean, fuck, at 13-20 bucks for a CD, I want to make sure I'm going to like it. If I buy a shirt I can return it if it doesn't fit, or if I just don't like it once I get it home. Since that's not possible with a CD, there should be some up front insurance.

Most listening areas provide 30 seconds of a song in the middle of the store with some disgusting headphones full of ear grease...and half the time they don't work properly.

Don't know where in NY you are, but there is a chain in NJ called "Compact Disc World" that allows you to open any CD in the store to listen to as much or little as you want, no questions asked.

Vintage Vinyl allows you to listen to CDs as well, and that has the single-greatest metal selection ever amassed under one roof.

Norsemaiden said:
It should be legal to download music to sample it properly. If more original recordings get sold because people want them after trying the mp3 versions then the royalties problem is solved!

I couldn't agree more. It's gotten to the point where I will hardly even entertain giving a band a shot if they don't put full songs on their website for me to check out. None of this 'sample' crap, give me 1-2 complete songs and you have at least a 50% shot of earning my business.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Don't know where in NY you are, but there is a chain in NJ called "Compact Disc World" that allows you to open any CD in the store to listen to as much or little as you want, no questions asked.

Vintage Vinyl allows you to listen to CDs as well, and that has the single-greatest metal selection ever amassed under one roof.

Nope...that's news to me...I have neither of those anywhere near me. What the hell do they do with an opened CD if you don't want it?
Yeah, I have basically used MP3's as samplers too, maybe a couple of years back before I got to get sick of file sharing. The bigger companies (metal blade, nuclear blast, earache etc) all have sample mp3s, which have quite often influenced what I have bought.

I used to hear a lot of new bands through an online friend that I just don't see anymore since the demise of the msn metal chat rooms - but he turned me on to a lot of great bands (Usurper, The Lord Weird Slough Feg, Thee Plague of Gentlemen, Scepter etc). THese days, it's through internet forums, net review sites and the review site I review for.

I have another friend who has a HUGE collection. I've got 1,200 ish cds, but he's got maybe three times that, but mostly copied cds and mp3's.

Personally, I can tell the difference in MP3's to CD tracks, and its such a crap difference, I can't bear to listen to them anyway!
MadeInNewJersey said:
I would beat that friend with a hammer.

I've got 2,200ish CDs, all store-bought.

Your collection pwns my collection.

Nah, aside from the music, he's a very good guy! Besides which, most of the stuff he has is fucking awful. Uriah Heep .....eeeeuch!
MadeInNewJersey said:
I'm not saying one way or another whether he's a good guy, but it's clear he's a thief. For shame.

I think all this could be guilt on my part because I photocopied the entire AD&D Dungeon Masters and PLayers guides when I was 10.

I've never been able to scrub myself of the stench of theft.
If I don't have the original with the artwork and everything, I feel like I don't have it. I hate burned discs in my library too. A lot of people don't understand that. Maybe i'm a little strange?